Only You...

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Mackenzie's POV

J: Hey
K: Hi
J: I've got something to tell you
K: What is it?
J: I still love Daisy, I asked her to be my girlfriend
K: What?! No!
I wake up with my heartbeat quickening by the second. I'm sweating. I dozed off while reading. It was just a bad dream. I get up and walk to the kitchen and pour myself a cup  of water. I try and calm myself down. I walk back and call Lauren.

K: Hey Lauren
L: Hey Kenz! Are you alright?
K: Yeah. Just a bad dream
L: Ok. What's up?
K: Where are you guys?
L: We're on our way home. We'll drop John off on the way
K: Thanks
L: Are you sure you're ok?
K: Yeah I'm fine.
L: Alright we're nearly here
K: Ok bye
I get cosy and continue my book.
Two minutes later
J: Hey babe
K: Hi
J: Kenz. What's wrong?
K: Nothing I'm fine. I put on a fake smile
J: I know my princess.
K: Seriously John I'm fine.
J: Look at me Kenz
K: Why?
J: Just look at me
I sigh and put down my book. I turn around and look in Johnny's eyes.
J: I don't have feelings for Daisy. I only love you. Only you. I love you, with all my heart. I'm never gonna leave you. I don't care what happens. I will always love you and will always be with you. I love you Mackenzie Frances Ziegler. I love you a lot
K: in tears. I love you too
I hug Johnny and sob into his chest. I love him. I would rather die than be without him.
J: I don't like seeing my princess in tears. He wipes away my tears and kisses my forehead.
K: I'm sorry
J: For what?
K: For being a bitch
J: I love you. Don't apologise. You didn't do anything wrong.
K: I love you.
J: I love you too.
I hug Johnny and rest my head onto his shoulder. He kisses my head and I snuggle in. We stay like this for a good minute. We pull away and share a short kiss. I smile at him and he smiles at me.
J: Have you eaten?
K: No. But I don't feel like it
J: You need to eat Princess
K: I don't want to
J: And if I feed you myself?
K: Maybe
J: The princess has spoken. So it shall be done.
K: Hehehehe. What will I eat?
J: It's a surprise!
K: Hey John?
J: Yes?
K: I love you. You're amazing
J: Love you too princess. And please stop your making me blush
K: Hehehehe
The door knocks
J: I'll get that
Johns walks back in with pizza.
K: Pizza! My fave! Thanks babe!
J: Anything for my princess
John grabs a slice and as promised feeds me. I laugh and take a bite. He continues to feed me. I take a slice and feed him. He chuckles and takes a bite. We finish our pizza and go upstairs. I do my night routine and so does John. I get into bed and get under the covers. John pulls me closer towards him, and I snuggle into his chest. He kisses my forehead.
J: Goodnight Princess. I love you
K: Goodnight Angel. I love you too
J: Dream of me
K: I will
We both fell asleep, in each other's arms.

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