I Will Always Love You...

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Two weeks later
Johnny's POV
I wake up and turn over. Instead of feeling the warmth of my princess, I feel the cold emptiness slap my body. I get up and go to the bathroom. I take a shower and allow a couple of tears to fall from my eyes. I get out and brush my teeth. I get changed and do my hair.

I walk downstairs and eat some cereal

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I walk downstairs and eat some cereal. I sit in silence and eat my breakfast alone. After I finish, I walk upstairs and wake Rose. I walk in and see her dressed and sat on her bed, reading. I stand in the doorway and silently chuckle at the fact she reads like Kenzie.
J: Morning Princess
R: Morning Dad
J: Time for breakfast
R: Ok
I notice that she was sad. Rose was always happy and cheerful. I walk over and sit on her bed.
J: Rose?
R: Yeah?
J: What's wrong princess?
R: I miss mom. When will she come back?
My heart instantly dropped. I tried to blink back my tears.
J: She'll be back soon. I promise
R: Ok.
She hugs me and I hug back, planting a kiss on her forehead. We walk downstairs and I make her a bowl of cereal. I drop her off at school and make my way to the hospital. I walk and sit next to Kenzie. I interlock my hand with hers and plant a kiss on it.
J: Hey Kenz. It's almost Rose's birthday. Please wake up. She asked me where you were. I don't want to lie to her. Please wake up. I love you so much
My voice cracks and I sob. I can't lose her. I feel her hand squeeze mine. I look up and I feel a ray of hope. I see her eyes flutter open and look around. More tears fall out of my eyes and her eyes meet mine. She smiles at me and kisses my hand.
J: Kenzie! Are you ok?! Do you need rest? Do you need anything?
K: John. Angel, calm down. I'm fine. All I need is you.
She sits up and pats on the bed, asking me to sit down. I get on the bed and hug her tightly. Tears kept streaming down my face. She looked up and wiped them away. She snuggled her head into my chest as I planted a kiss on her forehead.
J: I missed you. So fucking much
K: I missed you too angel. So much.
K: I was worried that you would find someone else. Is that stupid?
J: Yes. It is very very stupid. I will never leave you. I will always love you
K: I will always love you too my angel
She leaned in and kissed me by surprise. I slowly melted in to the kiss. I missed this. We pulled away and cuddled each other. I got up and called the doctor.
Doctor: We just need to run some tests and then she'll be able to go home tomorrow. We just need to keep her for overnight observation tonight.
J: Ok. Thank you so much doctor
I walked into the room and announced the good news to Kenzie. She smiled and we shared a kiss.
K: Why don't we go to Disney Land for Rose's birthday?
J: Sure. Anything for you princess
K: I love you angel
J: I love you too
K: Rose has dance today
J: Shit! I forgot. I should get going
K: Typical. Oh and John?
J: Yes?
K: No swearing please
J: Sorry
I walk out of the room and drive to Roses school. Luckily, I made it on time. Whilst I was waiting for Rose, I decide to call Maddie and let her know about Kenzie.
Phone conversation
M: Yo
J: Hey Maddie!
M: You seem happy. What's the good news?
J: Kenzie woke up!
J: The doctor said she can go home tomorrow.
M: That's fantastic news!
J: Yeah! It's amazing!
M: I'm gonna go visit her now. I'll talk to you later John
J: Bye and let Lauren know
M: Will do. Bye!
End of phone conversation
Rose enters the car and gives me a smile, I return the smile and drive home. We go home and i grab Rose a cereal bar.
J: Are you done Rose?
R: Coming dad!
She runs downstairs and grabs my hand. I chuckle and we get into the car. I sit and use my phone.
Two hours later
J: Well done princess
R: Thanks dad
J: Let's go
We go home and meet Maddie. She goes and gives Rose a bath, whilst i order pizza. Rose walks downstairs and squeals in delight at the sight of pizza. We watch movies and enjoy pizza. Maddie goes home and I tuck Rose into bed.
R: Night dad. I love you
J: Night princess. I love you too
I get into bed and fall asleep.

The next day

I wake up incredibly happy. Kenzie was coming home today! I walk downstairs and make pancakes. I put some on a plate for Rose. It was a Saturday, so I allowed her to sleep in. I walk upstairs and see Rose doing homework. She definitely takes after Kenzie.
R: Morning dad
J: Morning Rose. Breakfast is ready
R: Ok dad
She runs downstairs and sits down. I pour her a cup of orange juice. I give her plate and she enjoys her breakfast. I sit down and enjoy mine.
J: Rose, get changed, I'm dropping you off at your auntie Lauren's
R: Yes dad
I also walk upstairs and get changed.
I get changed into the outfit that Kenzie loves.

I walk downstairs and wait for Rose to get ready

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I walk downstairs and wait for Rose to get ready.
R: I'm ready!
J: Good. Let's go then
We drive to Lauren's house. I drop her off and happily make my way to the hospital. I arrive and walk into Kenzie's room. Her face lights up when her eyes meet mine. She smiles and I smile back. I walk over and envelope her into a hug. She hugs me tightly and I enjoy the warmth.
K: Let's go. I'm tired and I want to see Rose
J: As you wish my princess
I interlock our hands and we walk out of the hospital. We drive home, keeping our hands together.
Mackenzie's POV
We arrive home and the first thing I do is get changed. I throw on some comfy  clothes.

I walk downstairs and sit on the sofa

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I walk downstairs and sit on the sofa.
K: John?
J: Yes princess?
K: Come and cuddle with me please
J: Of course
He sits next to me and I cuddle him. I look up and see tears falling out of his eyes.
K: What's wrong angel?
J: I should've never let you take that bullet
I wipe away his tears and kiss his cheek.
K: I love you so much John. I would've never forgiven myself if I let Hayden shoot you. Don't blame yourself.
J: I love you so much. I love you so fucking much.
K: I love you too.
I hug him back and we enjoy being in each other's arms. My eyes become heavy and I fall asleep.

Last Summer
By Johnny Orlando
Amazing song!!

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