I Do...

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Time skip

K: I'm so nervous
L: Relax Kenz. You'll be fine.
M: Kenz! The make up and hair stylist is here!
K: Ok

After the long process, I look at myself in the mirror. I looked hot!

 I looked hot!

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Mommy Mel: Kenzie

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Mommy Mel: Kenzie. You look beautiful
K: Thanks mom
M: Your growing up too fast
We all giggle and I start to get more and more nervous. Finally. It was time. I walked out with my arm, linked with my dad's. As we were walking, my dad said to me,
Greg: You look amazing
K: Thanks dad
I stand with Johnny our hands together. I looked into his eyes. Those eyes, which made my heart beat faster, anytime I stared into them.
Priest: Johnny Vincent Orlando, do you take Mackenzie Frances Ziegler, to be your wife.
J: I do
Priest: Mackenzie Frances Ziegler do you take Johnny Vincent Orlando to be your husband
K: I do
Priest: I now pronounce you both Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride.
We both giggle and lean in. We pulled away and stared into each other's eyes.
J: I love you Mackenzie Orlando
K: I love you too Johnny Orlando
We both enjoyed the rest of the night. Everything seemed right. After the wedding had finished, most of our friends had left and our family had joined us for an after party.
I changed my outfit and retouched my makeup.

I let my hair down and left the curls

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I let my hair down and left the curls.
I went downstairs and smiled at the sight of my family all happy together. I look over at John and smile. We made it. I stepped out of the party and went outside for a bit. I sat down and memories flashed back into my mind.


K: Why am I useless? Why am I worthless? Why am I ugly? Why am I fat? Why do I even exis-
John puts his hand to stop her finishing the word
J: Don't ever say that! You are perfect Kenzie!
He lifted her chin so their eyes met
K: I'm nothing!
J: Kenzie. You are not useless! You are not worthless! You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met! You are not fat! You are perfect. Just the way you are. Nothing will ever change that.
J: Thanks John
They hugged each other tightly.
K: Friends?
She stuck her hand out
J: Friends
He shook her hand

End of flashback


J: Why? Why Kenz? What if... what if I lost you?
K: I'm sorry
Tears roll down Johnny cheeks and Kenzie wipes them away

End of flashback


J: Can you promise me something?
K: Only if you promise me something
J: You go first
K: Promise me you'll never leave me. That you'll always be by my side. That'll you'll always be there for me.
J: Mackenzie Frances Ziegler I Johnny Vincent Orlando, promise that from this day forward, I will
never leave you. I will always be by your side and I will always be there for you.
K: giggles. You have now taken an oath for life. You are not allowed to break it.
J: I promise I never, ever will. Kisses her hand
K: blushes
J: Promise me something?
K: Yeh?
J: That you won't cut again
K: takes a deep breath. Johnny Vincent Orlando.
I Mackenzie Frances Ziegler, promise from this day forward, to never cut my boy again.
J: Chuckles. You have now taken an oath for life. You are not allowed to break it.
K: I promise. I never ever ever will. She takes his hand and wraps it around hers and kisses his hand.
J: blushes and gives her a kiss on her forehead
They both share a hug

End of flashback

Present day

J: You ok Mrs Orlando?
K: Hahahaha. Yes I'm fine Mr Orlando
He sat down next to her and she put her head on his shoulder.
J: Kenz?
K: Yeah...
J: When will there be jenzie babies?
Kenzie blushes
K: I um um don't kn know
J: Your so adorable. But don't worry. You'll always be my princess
K: You'll always be my angel
They share a short kiss and enjoy being in each other's arms.

Johnny's POV
J: We should head back inside. The party's nearly over and I want you all to myself
K: Hehehehe ok
We walk into the party, hand in hand.
Lauren and Maddie were cleaning up and everyone else had pretty much left. Kenzie went upstairs to get changed whilst I helped to clean up.
M: So John
J: Yeah?
M: Your married to my little sister
J: Yeah?
M: You break her heart and you die
She looked at me dead in the eyes. She gave me a cold glare
J: I promise I won't
M: Good
L: When will I be an aunt?
J: I'm working on that one
We all laugh and continue to clean up. Soon after they left and Kenzie came downstairs
K: Where did Lauren and Maddie go?
J: They left. It was getting late.
K: Aww! I didn't even get to say goodbye
J: You can call them tomorrow
K: Alright. Goodnight!
J: Wait!
K: What?
J: Can I have a kiss?
K: Sure
She walked up to me and gave me a peck on the cheek and walks away.
J: Hey!
K: You didn't specify!
She walked upstairs and I followed. I did my night routine and got changed. I slid into bed and wrapped my arms around my wife. She snuggled into my chest.
J: I love you Mackenzie Frances Orlando
K: I love you Johnny Vincent Orlando
We share a kiss and soon slowly fall asleep

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