No Problem Princess...

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Johnny's POV
K: I'm pregnant
I run up to her and hug her tightly. We pull away and share a kiss. I notice Kenzie looks a little upset. I lift her chin.
J: What's up Kenz?
K: Are you happy about this baby? Do you want it?
J: Kenzie. I'm so excited. Of course I want this baby.
We hug each other and just stay in each other's arms.
Mackenzie's POV
I couldn't believe it. I'm pregnant. There's a baby in me. I was excited. The first thing to do, was to tell Maddie.
Phone call
M: Hello?
K: Hi
M: Hey Kenz. What's up?
K: There's something I need to tell you
M: Go on
K: I'm pregnant
M: OMG! I'm becoming an auntie
K: Looks like it
M: I had a feeling. John came into the studio and asked me what to do.
K: Awww.
M: Hahaha. I've got to go, but I'll come round later.
K: Bye
M: Bye
End of phone conversation
K: John!
J: Yeah?
K: Do you want to tell Lauren or shall I tell her?
J: I'll tell her.
K: Ok. Thanks
J: No problem princess
Johnny's POV

Phone conversation
L: Hello?
J: Hey Lauren
L: Hi. What can I do for you?
J: I've got some news
L: What is it?
J: Kenzie's pregnant
J: Hahaha
L: There'll be little jenzie babies, running around.
J: I guess so. Do you want to come over later? Maddie's coming too
L: Sure! I'll see ya later! Bye bro
J: Bye sis
End of phone conversation

I walk downstairs and cuddle up next to Kenzie. We watched Riverdale and waited for Lauren and Maddie.
J: Kenz?
K: Yeah?
J: I love you
K: I love you too
J: Do you want a boy or a girl?
K: I don't mind? What about you?
J: I don't mind either. But I'm just upset that you'll spend more time with them, than me
K: Hahahah. Your adorable angel
J: Your perfect princess
We share a kiss and cuddle into each other.
Ding Dong
J: That'll be Maddie and Lauren
K: Ok
I walk to the door and invite them in
Mackenzie's POV
L: Kenzie!
K: Lolo!
I embrace my best friend.
K: Where's Maddie?
L: She texted. She can't make it
K: I'll call her later
L: Your pregnant!
K: I'm pregnant!
We laughed and spent the rest of the night watching movies.

Next chapter will be a BIG TIME SKIP
Sorry it's so short

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