Thanks John...

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Mackenzies POV
Two weeks of summer has flown by and it's been good. Everyday was fun and filled with laughter. Me and Johnny grew closer and closer and my feelings strengthened each day. I miss Maddie and mom everyday but we do call and text most of the time. I wake up and grab my phone. My eyes adjusted the bright sunshine peeking though as I slowly began to wake up. I scroll through Instagram, liking all of the recent posts and watch everyone's stories of their summer adventures. Johnny walks into the room. Shirtless. Whenever he's shirtless, my heart beats faster. He's so damn hot. I quickly avert my gaze to his eyes.
J: Still can't get over my amazing body Miss Ziegler?
K: Please, your body is the last thing I want to look at
J: I'm deeply hurt
K: And I don't care
J: Rude
K: What do you want anyway?
J: Mail for you
K: Since when do I get mail?
J: Open it then
K: Alright alright
I grasp the letter from Johnny and he sits down next to me on the bed. I could feel his breath fanning my neck and I felt my cheeks burn. I open the letter and see a postcard of a dance studio. With a smile on my face, I turn it over and begin to read the message.

Dear Kenzie,
Hey sis! Me and mom have been missing you like crazy and as you like being all sentimental, I thought I would write you a postcard. As we travel, I make sure to get a souvenir for your collection. We're really sorry we can't make it for your birthday Kenz. Me and mom bought you lots of gifts and we posted them today but we're not sure when you'll receive them. How's it going with your boyfriend? I want a full description and I have to approve!
Love you Kenz. Miss ya!
Love Maddie xxx

K: Aw! It was from Maddie and Mom
J: Maddie on another job?
K: Yeah sadly. They won't be here for my birthday though
I give a small sad smile and Johnny does the same before giving me a side hug.
J: Hey, it's okay. I'll make sure you have an amazing day
K: Thanks John
I smile and he smiles back. He leans closer, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I lean in, our noses now touching as our lips were inches away. I close my eyes and so does John.
L: Breakfast is ready - Oh sorry
Lauren bursts in and we both pull apart. Embarrassed, I run my fingers through my hair and Johnny nervously scratches the back of his neck.
L: I knew it! Jenzie is real!
J: N-no u-um. Breakfast! Gotta go bye!
He runs out of the room leaving me and Lauren in peals of laughter. I walk downstairs with Lauren and sit next to Johnny, whose cheeks were still red.
K: Blushing are we Orlando?
J: It's called rosacea Miss Ziegler
K: Sure it is
I giggle and he smiles at me.
L: Very cosy Jenzie
I playfully roll my eyes and Meredith hands me a plate of pancakes. I plaster on a fake smile before looking at the plate. Five whole pancakes?! I can't eat that? I feel someone squeeze my hand and see Johnny looking at me with a sympathetic smile.
Meredith: That's my phone ringing. Be right back kids
L: Ah! Brandon's FaceTiming me!
Lauren dashes upstairs squealing. I giggle and look back down to the plate of pancakes.
J: Kenzie. You're not fat
K: I know
J: Please eat. For me?
I sigh and look back down at the plate.
J: Come on Kenz
He cuts up the pancakes on my plate and holds the fork to my mouth. He raises his eyebrows and I sigh before eating the pancakes. Johnny grabs another bite and continues to feed me. I smile as I watch him feed me. This is really the boy I love. He's so thoughtful and kind. As I eat the last bite, Johnny smiles and gives me a tight hug.
K: John th-
J: If you say thank I will call you Mack Z forever
K: Fine I won't 
J: Haha good
We both laugh and Lauren walks back in.
L: What's so funny Jenzie?
J: Nothing Choppy
L: Whatever  
Meredith: Johnny, Lauren.
J&L: Sorry mom
Meredith: Right well, I thought we could go to the beach today
L&K: Yay!
J: Oh great! How fun
Meredith: I knew you would love it Johnny. Anyway, we're leaving soon so you should go and pack
K: On it!
I squeal and rush upstairs with Lauren to go and pack. Rummaging through my closet, I find a cute bikini and romper and get changed. I braid my hair into two dutch braids and pack a beach bag with all the necessary essentials.

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