You're The Princess. Not Me...

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Time skip. 6 years later. Kenzie and John are both 26. They have a little girl, called Rose, who is 6. Maddie and Jack are married. Lauren and Brandon got engaged last year.

I've got plans. The book is not going to end yet.

Mackenzie's POV
I wake up early. I get up and go to the bathroom. I have a quick shower and brush my teeth. I do my skin routine and get changed.

I put my hair into a ponytail and walk downstairs

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I put my hair into a ponytail and walk downstairs. I made some pancakes for Rose and made granola, fruit and yoghurt for me and John. I check the time and go and wake up my daughter.
Rose - R

K: Rose?
R: Yes mom?
K: Are you ready?
R: Yes. Can you do my hair?
K: Of course honey
I put her hair into French braids.

K: Did you do your homework? R: Yes mommy K: Good girl

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K: Did you do your homework?
R: Yes mommy
K: Good girl. Now come on, breakfast is ready.
We walk downstairs and I give Rose her pancakes. She squeals in delight.
R: Thank you mommy!
K: No problem honey. Now remember you have hip hop and ballet today.
R: Yes mommy!
We sit down and enjoy our breakfast. I looked at the time and realised I was really early. So was Rose. However. John wasn't awake. Time to wake him!
K: Rose. Shall we wake up daddy?
R: Yes! Yes!
K: C'mon then
We walk upstairs and I see John, sleeping peacefully, without a care in the world. Me and Rose nod at each other. I pull off the covers and Rose jumps on the bed.
R: Daddy! Daddy! Wake up! Wake up!
J: Ok! Ok! I'm up! I'm up!
K: Morning Sleeping Beauty
J: You're the princess. Not me
K: Come on. Get up.
J: Can't I have a kiss from my favourite princesses?
R: kisses him on the cheek
K: kisses him on the cheek
J: Thank you
K: Rose. Go get your dance bag and school bag ready. They're downstairs.
R: Ok mommy
Rose leaves the room and I get up to leave but John grips my wrist, pulling me onto him. I pull away, but he keeps me there.
K: John. I have to drop off Rose.
J: Where's my morning kiss?
K: I gave you one!
J: That was a peck on the cheek. I'd like one kiss please. He says, making a pouty face. I chuckle and lean in and kiss his lips. He kisses back and our lips move together. He deepens the kiss as his grip on my waist tightens.
K: Babe, Rose is downstairs
J: I don't care
He continues to kiss me and I pull away as he pouts. I sigh and playfully roll my eyes as I peck his lips.
K: Breakfast is on the counter
J: Thank you princess
I smile and grab my keys. I walk downstairs and get into the car.
R: Bye mommy!
K: Bye Rose. I'll pick you up today
R: Ok
Rose skips off with her friends and I head back home. I get in and check the time. 8:30. I had a hour yet. I sit on the couch and read my book. Halfway through, I get a phone call. The number was unknown? I answer it.
K: Hello?
H: Hey babe? Missed me? 
K: Who are you?
H: I'm coming. Coming for Johnny and for you.
K: Hayden?
End of phone conversation.
My breath quickened. I began to sweat. My heart beat was zooming. I felt hot tears fall from my eyes.
J: Babe? What's wrong?
K: It was Hayden. He said he's coming for me and you.
J: What? Hayden?
K: sobs
J: Kenz. It's ok. Come here.
I engulf John into a hug. I sob uncontrollably.
K: I can't lose you
J: You won't ever lose me. I promise. Just like in high school.
K: I love you
J: I love you too
I pull away and give him a weak smile.
K: I should get going. I'll pick up Rose today.
J: Ok babe. I'll see you later.

I pick up my bag and head off to the studio.

Two hours later
I come home and instantly hop into the shower. I get out and get changed.

I leave my hair down and go downstairs

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I leave my hair down and go downstairs. I grab a cereal bar and drink some water. I quickly jump into the car and drive to Rose.
R: Hi mom
K: Hi honey! How was school?
R: Good. I made a new best friend
K: Who is it?
R: His name is Lucas
K: That's good honey. You've got dance today remember.
R: Yes mom
We arrive and I make Rose a snack of fruit and some nuts. After finishing, we head off to the dance studio.
Johnny's POV
I go around every table and quickly clean up. I collect tips and put all the dishes in the sink. I take off my apron and sit down. I was completely exhausted. I go to the counter and see a note. I expected it to be from Lauren. But it wasn't. The note scared me slightly.
I'm coming for you Johnny boy. VERY SOON!
I rip it up and throw it away. I shake off all the bad thoughts and lock up. I head home, whilst my head was in deep thought.
Mackenzie's POV
R: How was it mom?
K: It was amazing sweetie. Come on let's go home
We walk hand in hand to the car and hop in. We blast songs and jam out. We enter into the house and I send Rose upstairs.
K: I'll be up there in a minute sweetie
R: Yes mom
I walk into the living room and see John fast asleep. I chuckle and kiss his forehead. I grab a blanket and put it over him. As I get up to leave, he grabs my wrist, pulling me onto him. I try and get up but he pulls me closer.
K: John
J: Kenz
K: Rose is waiting for me. Let me go.
J: I missed you today
K: Wow Orlando
A tear falls from his eye. I quickly wipe it away
K: John? What's wrong angel?
J: Someone said they're coming for me on a note, in the restaurant
I hugged him tightly. I couldn't lose him. We pulled away and shared a kiss.
J: I love you. Remember that. No matter what happens
K: Nothing will happen! I love you too
I smile and I walk upstairs. I give Rose a quick bath and tackle her into her pyjamas. I walk downstairs and go into the kitchen. I make a start on dinner.

Johnny's POV
I start to watch tv and laugh as I hear Rose and Kenzie giggling upstairs. I hear footsteps coming downstairs and flash Kenzie a smile. She blushed and smiled back. I still made her blush. She blew a kiss and I pretended to catch it.
K: What shall I make for dinner?
J: Spaghetti! Spaghetti! Please!
K: Ok John. Sometimes I wonder if you're the six year old.
J: I wuv you!
K: Hehe! I love you too.
She pecked my lips and went off to the kitchen. I turn on the tv and snuggle in the couch. My phone went off and I glanced over. I was worried at what i saw. I saw a text from an unknown number.

Text conversation

Unknown: Johnny or Kenzie?
Johnny: Who are you?
Unknown: I mean Kenzie is sexy and want to see how she is in bed. You know though, don't you Johnny boy?
Johnny: Stop texting me! Who are you?
Unknown: I think it should be Johnny. I want a taste of Kenzie
Johnny: Stay the fuck away from my wife! You dickhead!
Unknown: All in good time Johnny

End of text conversation

I felt a rush of anger come through me. I wasn't scared anymore. I was angry. I was furious. Whoever they are, they better stay away from my family.

By Camilla Cabello

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