How He Fixed Me...

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This is a continuation from the last chapter.

Johnnys POV
We arrive at the house and meet all of our friends and family. Rose runs off to play with Maddie and Jack's daughter Gabriella. We sit on the couch and reminisce of the old times, laughing. Jack opens his presents and we all tease him of his age. We cut the cake and I glance over at Kenzie. She was laughing and had such a warming smile painted on her face. I smiled and blushed. God, she still has that effect on me. She looks up and I get lost in her eyes. She pecks my lips, breaking me out of the trance. She giggles and she looks so cute.
J: Kenz, you look stunning
K: Hehehe thanks John
J: I love you
K: Love you too
M: We all have to agree, Jenzie is the cutest ship! Jenzie forever
Kenzie blushes and looks at me whilst i smile at her and kiss her forehead. She went off with Maddie and Lauren and some of her other friends whilst I stepped out of the party for awhile. I sit on a bench and think about everything. How it all started and how I ended up here, so lucky. How our journey began and I hope we finish it, together. What we've been through together. A lot has changed. But one thing hasn't. My love for her.


J: Kenz?
K: Don't call me that. You lost the right to call me that.
J: Sorry
K: What do you want? Can you just leave me alone?
J: What were you and Lauren talking about?
K: Why do you even care
L: Let's go Kenzie
As she was leaving, i grab her wrist.
J: Mackenzie please
K: Leave me alone!
She started to cry and left with Lauren
J: I care... i quietly mumble
(Part 7, Chapter 'Why?')

End of flashback


K: I'm nothing!
J: Kenzie. You are not useless! You are not worthless! You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You are not fat! You are perfect. Perfect. Just the way your are. Nothing will ever change that.
K: Thanks John
She pulled me into a tight hug. A hug I hoped would never end. We pulled away.
K: Friends? She stuck her hand out
J: Friends. I shook her hand and pulled her into a hug
( Part 9, Chapter 'Friends?')

End of flashback


J: Mackenzie Frances Ziegler. I love you with all my heart. I wish I could hold you and make you feel secure. I wish I could
take all your pain away. I wish I could replace your frowns with smiles. I wish I was yours. Will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my girlfriend?
K: happy tears roll down her cheeks. Yes. I love you.

(Part 19, Chapter 'I Love You')

End of flashback


K: Yes John?
He gets down one on knee
J: Kenzie. I love you so much. I never get tired of seeing you. Every time you smile, I feel fireworks in my heart. Your love is what keeps me going everyday. I love waking up to you. I love the way you make me feel. There's no one else I would want to spend my life with. Mackenzie Frances Ziegler, will you marry me?
K: Yes

( Part 33, 'Yes')

End of flashback


K: John, you a...lot. Don't f..f..forget about me.
J: Kenzie! Please stay with me! Please! I love you! Please
Tears stream down my face. She slowly lifts her hand and places it on my cheek. I cup her face and kiss her.
K: I love you
J: I love you too! Please don't give up!
Her eyes shut. I hug her tightly. I sob harder and harder. I see the ambulance and the police, who have cornered Hayden. I jump into the back of the ambulance and grab Kenzie's hand.

(Part 39, Chapter, 'Don't Forget About Me')

End of flashback


J: I missed you. So fucking much.
K: I missed you too angel. So much.
K: I was worried that you would find someone else. Is that stupid?
J: Yes. It is very very stupid. I will never leave you. I will always love you
K: I will always love you top my angel
She leaned in and kissed me by surprise. I slowly melted into the kiss. I missed this. We pulled away and cuddled each other. I got up and called the doctor.
(Part 40, I Will Always Love You')

End of flashback

Present day

(M- Maddie, L- Lauren, just a quick reminder!)

M: You good bro?
J: Haha. Yeah dude
M: John?
J: Yeh? He asked nervously
M: Thanks. Ever since you came into her life, she had that spark in her eyes, her smile was brighter and her laughs were louder.
J: I should be thanking you. For allowing me to be with such an amazing girl! I couldn't imagine life without her. I love her
M: You do know that if you break her heart then I still will kill you
J: Noted

She laughs and walks back into the party. I take a deep breath and walk back in too. I sit with Jack and talk for a while.
Kenzie's POV
I walk out of the party and go onto Maddie's roof. I admire the view, slowly taking it in. I think about my incredible journey. How much I used to hate John and now I can't imagine him not ever being in my life.
L: Hey bestie!
K: Hey lolo
L: Omg! That's so old!
K: Hahah i know
L: I can't believe this
K: What?
L: You and John. I always knew you two would end up together
K: I know! It's so crazy! I can't believe it either! I'm thankful to John, for a lot of things
L: Yeah, Rose
K: Hehehe. But I'll never forget
How He Fixed Me

OMG!!! That concludes How He Fixed Me! Thank you guys so much for all of your love and support! I never thought that 11k people would ever read my story! Thank you! I love you so much!

A Thousand Years
By Christina Perri

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