That's Where You Cross The Line...

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Mackenzie's POV
It was now Thursday. I felt a little better after John assured me, last night. I grab my phone and see that it's 6:30. I lie down for a bit, enjoying being in Johns arms. I kiss his forehead and snuggle into his chest. I received a text. I grab my phone to see who it was.

Maddie: Hey Kenz
Kenzie: Hey Maddog
Maddie: Are you ok?
Kenzie: I'm fine now, thanks x
Maddie: You can have today off. Ella's free today, so she's down to choreograph
Kenzie: Thanks Maddie. John will be pleased. Love you x
M: Love you too x cya
K: Cya x
End of text conversation
I snuggle back in and lie down. My eyelids began to feel heavy and I soon fall asleep again.

Johnny's POV
I woke up and saw my princess peacefully sleeping. I kiss her forehead and get out of bed. I decide to make Kenzie breakfast today. I make some waffles and put them on a plate. I pour some orange juice into a cup and place some fruit in a bowl. I also place some brownies onto a plate. I grab everything and put it onto a tray and carefully carry it upstairs. I place it on the dresser and cuddle my princess.
K: Morning Angel
J: Morning Princess
J: You not going into the studio?
K: Maddie texted me saying, I had a day off
J: Yes!
K: Hahaha
J: I'll text Lauren. She'll understand
K: Ok
K: Do you want breakfast?
J: Already thought ahead
I present the tray to Kenzie and she looks at the tray and smiles
K: Aww! Thanks Angel!
J: Breakfast for my princess
I place it on the bed and she gives me a kiss on my cheek , a kiss on my forehead, a kiss on my nose and a kiss on my lips. I kiss her cheek and hug her .
K: Your eating with me.
J: This is your breakfast
K: I don't care
J: I love you
K: Love you too
We put on Riverdale and peacefully enjoy our breakfast. Sooner or later. I'm gonna propose to Kenzie. I love her more than anything. I'll just have to make it memorable. I finish my breakfast and get ready for the day.

J: Princess K: Yes? J: Can I choose your outfit today? K: Will you be sensible? J: Fine!K: Ok then

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J: Princess
K: Yes?
J: Can I choose your outfit today?
K: Will you be sensible?
J: Fine!
K: Ok then. Off you go.
I go into her closet and try to find an outfit I want to see her in. After what seemed like hours. When it was only really 10 minutes, I chose a cute outfit.

 When it was only really 10 minutes, I chose a cute outfit

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