The Last Week!

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Mackenzie's POV
Today is the last day of school before summer break. My love for Johnny has grown so much over the past few weeks. I sometimes consider if I should tell him but who am I kidding? He doesn't like me. I have a shower and brush my teeth. I throw on some clothes, lightly curl my hair and apply some natural makeup.

 I throw on some clothes, lightly curl my hair and apply some natural makeup

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I grab my phone, keys and bag and make my way to the Orlando's house. Lauren opens the door looking very happy.
L: Hey Kenz!
K: Hi Lauren
L: Come in!
She smiles and I walk in. I follow her to the kitchen where Johnny was on his phone whilst eating some cereal. He smiles once he looks at me and I smile back. I sit on a stool next to him and place my bag on the the floor. I whisper in his ear.
K: Someone's very cheerful
J: Brandon's on his way. She spent the whole morning perfecting her hair and makeup
We both burst out laughing and Lauren gives us both a weird look.
L: What's so funny Jenzie?
J: Nothing Choppy
She rolls her eyes and I giggle. Her phone rings and she squeals before going into the living room to answer it.
J: Do you want some breakfast?
K: I've eaten already
J: Kenzie?
K: Urgh fine ok I haven't
J: So cereal it is then
He squeezes my hand and smiles. I smile back and nod.
K: Thanks John
Lauren walks in and Johnny goes to grab a bowl.
L: Sorry Kenz. Brandon's coming over in five minutes and then we're walking together!
K: It's fine. Can't get in the way of Landon can I?
L: Thanks! Nice outfit. Ripped jeans? You've definitely been hanging out with Johnny too much
J: And what's so bad about that Choppy?
L: Nothing at all. It's a good thing that Jenzie is hanging out together so much
I roll my eyes and Johnny hands me a bowl of cereal. Smiling, I eat a spoonful and try to finish it.
L: Brandon's here! Bye!
She gives me a quick hug and I hug back whilst chuckling at her antics. Me and Johnny ate breakfast whilst laughing and chatting about stupid things. I didn't even realise I had finished my cereal and I was so proud.
J: Ready for school?
K: Yep. But John?
J: Yeah?
K: I just wanted to say thanks a lot. For all this. I really appreciate it
J: Don't mention it Kenzie. It's nothing. Anything for you
I smile and pull him into a hug. He hugs back and my heart fluttered as his warm embrace engulfed me.
J: We better go. Don't want to be late for the last day of school.
K: Yeah you're right
He holds out his hand and I happily take it. He grabs my bag and kindly offers to hold it whilst we walk. ISNT HE SO CUTE! We walk and laugh the whole way whilst taking random selfies for our entertainment. We arrive at school and walk to our first class of the day.
After a boring day of classes, the day had finally ended and it was officially summer! I find Johnny and we walk over to Lauren's locker.
L: Hey Jenzie!
J: Quiet Choppy
L: Hahaha
K: Anyway, doing anything this summer Lolo?
L: The usual. Hey, you should come over for a sleepover! Stay for a few weeks
K: I practically live at your house Lolo. Aren't you sick of me?
J: I'm not complaining! And how could we ever get sick of you Ziegler?
L: Ok save the flirting for later brother
K: Sounds good to me! I'll pack and be over later
L: Perfect! Your Starbucks will be waiting for you
K: Thanks
We hug and I walk home. I had my earbuds in and sung along quietly to the music. I unlock the door and go to my room to pack. Someone knocked on my door and I allowed them to come in.
Melissa: Hey honey!
K: Mom you're back
I immediately rush to go and hug her. My mom and my big sister Maddie are always away on jobs that Maddie does. Acting jobs, dancing jobs, modelling jobs, etc. Sometimes I don't get to see them for months.
Maddie: Miss me sis?
K: Maddie!
Maddie: Hey lil sis!
She hugs me and I smile. I miss them both so much when they're away. We all sit down for a while and catch up.
Maddie: So any boys Kenzie?
Melissa: What about Johnny?
K: We're just friends mom!
Melissa: Aww she's blushing!
They giggle and I playfully roll my eyes.
Melissa. Aw I've missed you honey
K: Me too mom
Melissa: Mackenzie. There's something we have to tell you
K: What is it mom? Is it something to do with one of Maddie's jobs?
Melissa: Yes. Maddie has to go to Pittsburgh for the whole summer.
K: But what about me?...

Nothing on us
By Mackenzie Ziegler

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