For Me?...

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Mackenzie's POV
My eyes flutter open and I wake up in a warm embrace. I look over and see a gorgeous angel. My boyfriend. It felt weird to even think that. I smiled as I admired him. His messy hair and his lips slightly parted. I placed a small kiss on his adorable nose and slowly get up. An arm grabs me and pushes me back down. I attempt to get up again but nothing. Slightly giggling, I look over and see Johnny with a playful smirk painted on his face, yet his eyes still closed.
K: Johnny?
K: John?
K: Johnny!
I could practically feel the amusement bouncing off him. Rolling my eyes, I try again but no use.
K: Urgh Johnny please let me go
J: Can I have a kiss?
K: No
J: Fine
He tightens his grip and I groan. Leaning over, I place a peck on his lips. He releases me and I sprint to the bathroom before he has a chance to grab me again. Hearing his chuckles, I slightly blush and begin to get ready. Hopping out of the shower, I do my hair and apply some natural makeup. I then choose an outfit for today and get changed.

Walking out, I see Johnny dressed and ready

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Walking out, I see Johnny dressed and ready. He was wearing black ripped jeans, a blue and white striped t-shirt and white nikes. I smiled at him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.
J: Looking gorgeous girlfriend
K: Looking handsome boyfriend
We giggle and I rest my head in the crook of his neck. It was an amazing feeling. His cologne engulfing me as his strong arms were wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him.
J: You ok?
K: Can't I hug my boyfriend?
J: Wasn't complaining Ziegler
He smirked and I playfully rolled my eyes. He leaned in and instinctively so did I. Our lips met and we enjoyed a slow, sweet kiss. He rested his hand on my cheek and I wrapped my arms around his neck. The kiss slowly deepened before we both pulled away. The fireworks were exploding and my cheeks were on fire.
J: Now that's the best way to start the morning
He pecked my nose and I giggled. I kissed his forehead before leaving his embrace and making my way downstairs. I made breakfast for both Johnny and Lauren. I make them a bowl of fruit, granola, yoghurt and hone, also adding some oats. After I finish, the two sibling come downstairs.

L: Awh Kenz, I promised Brandon I would grab breakfast with him before his game
K: Go ahead! I love a good Landon moment
L: Awh thanks Kenz. And don't think I forgot. I'm hearing all the Jenzie details later
I blushed and she giggled and left. After she left, I joined Johnny at the table. He was happily eating his breakfast and I smiled at the sight.
J: Kenz?
K: Hm?
J: Where's your breakfast?
K: I'm not hungry
J: Kenz
He puts down his bowl and looks at me with sadness. I look down, unable to bear the upset in his eyes. He lightly tilts my chin, making me look into his eyes.
J: Kenzie. You. Are. Not. Fat. Please eat
K: I'm not hungry John
J: For me?
My heart dropped when his voice became quiet. I felt tears well up as I tackle him into a hug. He immediately hugged back, kissing my head and comforting me. I pulled away and he grabbed my hand, lightly kissing it.
J: I love you
K: I love you more
He softly chuckles and places a peck on my lips. He grabs the bowl I made for Lauren and takes a spoonful. With a smile, he feeds it to me making me smile. I slowly eat it, trying to keep it down. He continues to feed me as I start to feed him. A smile appears on his face and I peck his nose. He squeezes my hand and we continue to eat our breakfast. Together.
Johnny's POV
After we eat our breakfast, we snuggle on the couch. She was happily laying on my lap as I played with her hair. Her hand was interlocked with mine. I looked at my girlfriend. Her eyes were closed as a small smile was on her face. Her skin was glowing as I kissed her cheek. Her gorgeous eyes fluttered open and I looked in her deep brown beauties. She softly giggled, breaking me out of my trance.
K: What was that for?
J: Because you're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and I can't believe you're mine
She smiled and I giggled at her burning cheeks. How is she so adorable?
K: You know, we haven't confirmed Jenzie yet
J: Seems so Ziegler
K: Instagram?
J: Yup!
We giggled and grabbed our phones. Logging onto Instagram, I find a couple of pics of me and Kenz to post.

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