We'll Always Be Here For You

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Mackenzie's POV
I wake up wrapped in John's arms. We were in bed. Johnny must've carried me up here. I get up and take a shower. I walk out of the bathroom and see that John isn't here. I get changed and lightly curl my hair.

I put on some light makeup and then walk downstairs

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I put on some light makeup and then walk downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see Rose and John eating breakfast.
K: Rose!
R: Mom!
She runs over to me and hugs me. I slightly stumble before embracing her into a hug.
R: I missed you!
K: I missed you too sweetie
I sit down back at the table and drink some water. John hands me a plate of waffles and pecks my cheek. He then engulfs me into a hug and kisses my forehead.
J: I missed you. I'm glad you're home
K: Me too John. Me too.
I enjoy my waffles and then join John and Rose in the car.
R: Bye Mom! Bye Dad!
J&K: Bye! 
Johnny drives to an unknown location.
K: Angel?
J: Yes princess?
K: Where are we going?
J: You'll see
I look out the window and the location begins to look familiar. We park up outside my old house, which is right next to Johns old house. He takes my hand and we walk to a forest. The forest where my place was. Where I used to come. Where me and John first became friends. Where we started the first chapter of our story. We sit down and I rest my head onto his shoulder. We sit in silence.
J: I love you Mackenzie Frances Orlando. I love you so much.
K: I love you too Johnny Vincent Orlando. More than you can imagine.
We share a kiss and cuddle. Looking at the time we decide to go home. Whilst driving, John rests his hand on my thigh. We get home and order some stir fry. I take my medicine and me and John go to pick up Rose.
K: Hey Rose. Good day?
R: Hi mom. Yes
Rose seemed upset. I glance over at John and send him a worrying look. He nods reassuringly.
J: Are you ok princess?
R: Yes
J: Are you sure. You don't seem ok
R: Yes dad! I'm fine!
J: Rose Elizabeth Orlando. Do not raise your voice at your father
R: Whatever
K: That's enough now Rose
I look over at John and see a worried and frustrated expression etched onto his face. I grab his hand and gently squeeze it. He looks up and I give him a small smile. He smiles weakly before turning his eyes back onto the road. We drive home in silence. After we arrive, Rose runs to her room. I wrap my arms around John's neck and bury my head in the crook of his neck.
J: I wish she wasn't so secretive. Why can't she tell us anything? Why is parenting so hard?
K: Parenting is never easy. I mean your mom and dad raised you.
J: Thanks
K: I'll talk to her. Besides we all know she likes me better
J: Oi! Chuckles
K: There's that cute laugh. Always keep laughing John
J: I will
I give him a peck and walk upstairs. As I was walking to my room,  I heard faint sobs. I knock on Rose's room and hear no answer. I slowly walk into her room and see Rose curled up into a ball crying. I walk over and hug her. She hugs back and continues to sob.
K: What's wrong Rose?
R: Nothing
K: Then why are you crying sweetie?
She says nothing. I pick her up and carry her downstairs. I place her on the sofa and call John. I wipe away her tears as John sits on the other side of her.
K: What's wrong honey?

R: There's this girl at school who said that because of you and dad her mom's life was ruined. She said that her mom loved dad and that you took him away from her.
J: What's the girl's name?
R: Natalie Turner
My heart stopped.
R: There's also a boy who said that dad ruined his dads life. That he loved you mom and dad took you away from him
K: What's his name?
R: Harry Summerall
K: Don't listen to what they say Rose
J: How long how this been going on for?
I could the anger slowly building up in John.
R: Since mom left
J: Why didn't you say anything princess?
R: You were really upset ever since mom left to go to her dance competition. I didn't want to make it worse.
J: Oh Rose
He tightly embraces her and gives her a kiss on her forehead.
R: Sorry dad
J: It's ok princess. Next time something like this happens, tell us.
K: We're always here for you Rose
R: Ok
We all share a hug.
K: Rose. Go upstairs and get changed and wait for me. We'll have a movie night ok?
R: Yes mom
She runs upstairs and I put my head into my hands. John puts his hand on my thigh. Tears prick my eyes. He lifts my chin and hugs me. I hug him tightly.
K: Hayden and Nadia? How?
J: I know. I should've sensed something was up. This is my fault
K: How were you meant to know? Rose hid it very well. She broke down because she couldn't keep it hidden anymore. Don't blame yourself angel
J: I love you
K: I love you too
I smile and walk upstairs. I get into bed with Rose and we watch Frozen for the tenth time. After, John made pasta and we ate together. Rose went up to bed and I cleaned up and sat on the sofa. John joined me and I snuggled into him and read my book and slowly my eyelids become heavy. I put my book on the shelf and walk upstairs. I get changed and do my night routine. I slide into bed and fall asleep.

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