Another Chance...?

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Mackenzie's POV
I storm out crying and start walking with Lauren racing behind me.
L: Kenzie! What's wrong
I manage to mumble
M: John
L: That's it! He's dead!
M: No! He wants another chance. I know it. He wants to know what me and you were talking about
L: Do you still love him?
M: I...I don't know
I wipe away my tears as the thought of Johnny fills my head.
L: Are you going to tell him
M: Should I?

We arrive at school at instantly I see Hayden. My stomach starts churning and I feel sick. He looks at me and laughs and starts kissing Nadia. My heart broke even more. They were practically eating each other's faces. Tears fall from my eyes and Lauren starts to record the disgusting makeout. I dash to the girls bathroom. Tears stream down my face as I collapse on the floor.

Ten minutes later

I leave the stall and fix my makeup and hair. The bell rings and I rush to my next class just in time. Lucky for me I have a class with Johnny, Nadia and Hayden. Everything was going ok. Hayden and Nadia were busy making out and Johnny was engrossed in his work. We shared occasional glances yet I looked away. One hour to go.

One hour later

Teacher: The homework is due next week, so don't forget!
As the bell rings for lunch Hayden and Nadia approach my desk.

Warning strong language
Hayden : Hey Mackugly. Just wanted to let you know that I regret ever going out with you. You're such an ugly weirdo. You're also such shit kisser. Even though I didn't get the chance, your probably shit in bed too. Actually, kinda glad I didn't get the chance! Bye bitch

Nadia: Laters Weirdo! laughs

J: Don't you fucking dare talk to Kenzie like that Summerall

Hayden: Why are you defending that bitch anyways? She's just an ugly, stupid, weird, nothing!
K: Tears start to steam down my face

J: Fuck off Summerall. Be careful about what you say. Or I may have to rethink your position on the football team.

Hayden: Whatever Orlando

J: Oh and Nadia? We're fucking over you bitch! I know you cheated on me!

Nadia: No I didn't!

J: Lauren showed me the video of you two sucking each other's face off this morning!

Nadia: Whatever! I never liked you anyways!
They storm off together

After they leave I run off to my place. I ignore Johnny's calls and run faster.
Behind my house there's a forest. Within the forest there's a tree, right on top of a small hill. The tree was like my guardian. A way for me to escape. Whenever I wanted to get away. No one knows about the place except me and John. I curl up into a little ball, and start to cry. I loved Hayden. I didn't want to believe he did all this. I cried more thinking of his words. As I was crying I heard someone come and sit next to me. I look up to see emerald, green eyes staring at me. Despite everything, I was happy to see him. He gives me a small, sympathetic smile. He hugs me and I cry on his shoulder. He strokes my hair, getting me to clam down. My sobs began to stop slowly as he continued to give me comfort. Does he deserve another chance?

Look what you made me do by Taylor Swift

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