No Can Do Princess...

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I wake up and the moments of last night came flooding back in. I smirk and look over at John, who is still sleeping peacefully. I kiss his forehead and slowly try to get up. His hand grips my wrist pulling me back onto the bed as he wraps his arms around me, preventing me from moving. I sigh and try to get up again but his grip was too strong.
K: John?
No answer
K: Angel?
Still nothing
K: Shame, I thought we could carry on from last night, but I guess not.
He shot up and looks straight in my eyes. I quickly untangle from his arms and run to to the bathroom.
J: This isn't over!
I chuckle and hop into the shower. I walk out and realise I forgot my towels. Crap. Big mistake!
K: John?
J: Yeah?
K: I uh forgot my towels, you couldn't grab them from me?
J: Oh. No can do princess
Crap! Now what? I decide to suck it up and walk out without my towels. I walk out and John's jaw drops. I blush profusely and quickly grab my towels. I wrap them around my body. I grab my clothes for the day and walk back into the bathroom. I get changed and blow dry my hair.

I walk back into the room and sit at my dresser

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I walk back into the room and sit at my dresser. I apply some concealer. I pick up my powder and brush but two muscular arms put them down. John.
He wraps his arms around me and places his head on my shoulder.
J: You don't need makeup. You look beautiful without it
K: Thanks John but I need makeup
J: No you don't. Don't wear it. For me?
K: But John
J: No buts Kenz
K: I need to cover the hickeys
He turns a deep shade of red
J: Oh i uh um ok but just to cover the hickeys up, nothing else
K: Yes angel, I promise
He pecks my lips and smiles.
J: I'll make some breakfast
K: Thank you Angel
He walks downstairs and I cover up hickeys whilst blushing as I remember the events of last night. I walk downstairs and wrap my arms around John as he's cooking pancakes. He kisses my hands and I chuckle. I pull away and sit down on the kitchen stool. John serves me a plate of pancakes with cream and strawberries in a heart. Again. He smiles and I smile back. We both enjoy our breakfast making small talk. The doorbell rings and John goes and answers it. Rose runs in.
R: Hi mom!
K: Hey honey
R: Can I read my book mom?
K: Yes Rose
R: I'll be upstairs
J: Lauren come in
K: Hey Lauren!
L: Hey Kenz
K: Thanks for letting Rose stay over
L: Anytime! So did you finish the important work then
K: Important work? What do you mean?
L: Oh John said that Rose had to stay over because you two had some important work to do and you didn't want to wake Rose
K: I don't know? John?
J: Oh um you know Kenz, what we spent last night doing, the work?
I turned a deep shade of red whilst Lauren was laughing like crazy.
K: We uh well finished
L: Alright
J: Do you want breakfast Laur?
L: No thanks. I need to go to work. I'll see you guys later
K: Bye Laur
J: Bye sis
Lauren left and I quickly tidied up. Rose came downstairs and we both sat on the sofa, watching spongebob squarepants. Soon, John comes and joins us, resting his head in my lap whilst i played with his hair.
My phone rang and I picked it up.
Phone conversation
K: Hello?
M: Hey Kenz!
K: Hey Maddie! What's up?
M: Nothing much? You?
K: Just watching tv with the family
M: Hahaha very cute. Anyways, it's Jack's birthday and we were celebrating tonight, just a small get together and we were wondering if you, John and Rose could come?
K: Of course! What time?
M: Around 8:30?
K: Sounds good! See ya then!
M: Bye!
End of phone conversation
J: Who was that?
K: Maddie. It's Jack birthday so we're going round later
J: Sounds good. What time?
K: 8:30
J: Cool
We continued to watch tv and soon it turned 2:00. We decided to go out and grab some lunch. We all hopped into the car singing frozen songs on the way. We arrived and ordered some food. After eating, i dragged John to Starbucks and got myself a pink drink. We went to the mall which was five minutes away and picked up a few things for Jack. We drove home and began to get ready. I wore a cute dress which was purple and floral.

I curled my hair and applied some makeup

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I curled my hair and applied some makeup.

I curled my hair and applied some makeup

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I walked downstairs and saw  John, looking hot

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I walked downstairs and saw John, looking hot.

I walked downstairs and saw  John, looking hot

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He caught me staring and smirked. I playfully rolled my eyes as he came over and kissed my hand before locking our hands together. Rose came downstairs in a dress looking absolutely adorable.

 Rose came downstairs in a dress looking absolutely adorable

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We all headed into the car and drove off to Maddie's house.

By Ariana Grande

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