The Orlando's It Is Then...

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Continuation from the previous chapter

Mackenzie's POV
Melissa: Well, we thought you could come with us
K: But, I want to spend summer here with my friends and I already made plans
Melissa: That's fine honey. I could ask Meredith if you could stay with them?
K: Yes! Thank you mom
Melissa: No problem honey
Maddie: Looks like you'll be spending more time with your boyfriend
K: Maddie!
I throw a pillow at her and we all burst into laughter. Maddie and Melissa both leave and allow me to carry on packing. I heard Johnny singing along to Post Malone's Rockstar and giggle. As our windows were opposite each other, I grab a pebble from my pen holder and gently throw it at his window. The music becomes quieter and Johnny opens his curtains. He was shirtless. Damn. My eyes gazed down to his six pack and my eyes were glued. I couldn't find the words and my cheeks were crimson.
J: Like what you see Ziegler?
K: Please, there's nothing worth looking at Orlando
J: That's why you were checking me out for a good minute?
I blush and nothing comes out of my mouth. He just laughs and I manage to to roll my eyes.
J: Anyway, as much as I love talking to you Kenz, what's up?
K: Heard the news?
J: What news? That I'm super hot and single
K: Wow you player. So I'm guessing that means no
J: What?
K: You'll find out. I'll be over soon, just need to finish packing
J: Need someone strong to help?
K: Yeah! I'll see if Maddie's free
J: Ouch Ziegler, that hurt
K: Whatever Orlando
I giggle and he smiles. We both close our windows and I continue to pack. After I had finished, I take my bag and walk downstairs. After saying goodbye to my mom and Maddie, I grab my phone and keys and make my way the Orlando residence.
Johnny's POV
She giggles and closes her window. Gosh that was the most cutest thing I ever heard. I quickly throw on a shirt and head downstairs, as my mom called me down. Lauren was downstairs, with her Starbucks drink in her hand and her phone in the other.
J: Thanks for my drink
L: Your very welcome
Meredith: Johnny, Lauren.
L: Sorry mom
Meredith: So Melissa and Maddie have to stay in Pittsburgh for the whole summer as Maddie has a job there. Kenzie didn't want to join them and seeing as you all are such good friends, I thought Kenzie could stay with us for summer
L: Yay! Mom that is amazing news! Omg!
Lauren was squealing and kept jumping around. Me and mom chuckled at her antics and I began to smile thinking of how Kenzie would be with us for summer. I blush thinking of her. Her beauty and her adorable laughs. And how she would subtly flirt with me.
L: Johnny Vincent Orlando!
J: What?
L: We were trying to talk to you idiot!
Meredith: Why were you smiling and blushing?
L: Omg! It's because of Kenzie isn't it!
J: W-what no?
L: You're stuttering! And blushing! You so like her!
I blush and shake my head. Mom and Lauren chuckle and my cheeks continued to burn like crazy. Suddenly, the doorbell rings and I thank the heavens for giving me an opportunity to escape this awkward situation.
J: I'll get it!
They giggle once more and I roll my eyes. Walking to the door, I open it and see Kenzie looking cute as ever.
K: Your mom tell you the news?
J: Yeah, we're all going to Anguilla for summer
K: What?!
She looked adorable with her confused expression. I chuckle and she slightly blushes.
J: Just kidding. Summer with us?
K: If you'll have me?
J: Duh obviously
K: Haha
She laughs and my heart flutters. What is she doing to me? I pull her into a tight hug and happily welcome her inside. We all have a movie night and fill up on junk food and laugh like crazy.

Monsters a.k.a haters
By Mackenzie Ziegler

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