I'm Here For You...

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Johnnys POV
I sat on the couch listening to music. My heart fluttered as I looked at the beauty sitting on the couch across from me. Her hair was beautifully braided and her gorgeous tan legs were on display. Her outfit made her look stunning and I could not help but stare. Her eyes were fixed on her book as she read and read. I smiled upon the sight of her.
K: Staring is bad Johnny boy
J: Surprised you noticed book nerd
K: Rude, music geek
J: Music geek?
She giggles and it sounded like heaven. I take my earbuds out of my ears and rush over to her and grab the book out of her hands. She gasps and jumps up, attempting to grab it back. I hold it above my head and she jumps up.
K: Urgh why are you so tall?
J: Sorry
I chuckle and she stops but had a playful smirk on her face. Confused, i stop laughing. She laughs before moving closer and tickling my sides. The book falls out of my hands and I desperately plead her to stop. Her laughs were like music to my ears as my strained laughs seemed to entertain her further. I grab both of her hands, stopping her from torturing me. She attempts to break free causing both of us to trip and fall. We fall on the ground, her on top of me and my back to the floor. Our faces were closer than ever and our noses were touching. I lean in closer, desperate to feel her lips on mine.
L: Kenzie! Oh I, sorry guys
Flustered, Kenzie stumbles off of me and stands up, her cheeks burning red. I angrily grumble and Lauren just giggles.
L: Calm it Hulk
J: Urgh! Why do you ruin our moments Lauren?
L: I don't do it on purpose dear brother! I want Jenzie to be real just as much as you do
Upon hearing those words, my anger turns to shyness as I begin to blush. Lauren giggles once more and opens her mouth to speak but I give her a death glare, shutting her up.
L: Ok anyway. Good news, I am no longer single!
K: Omg! He did didn't he!
L: Eek! Yes!
They both do this weird squeal and jump up and down. I shake my head and just chuckle watching them.
Meredith: Oh there you all are. Come on we better be leaving
J: Oh but mom you haven't met the special guest who'll be joining us
Meredith: What special guest?
L: Johnny...
Kenzie looks at me and laughs. I wink and chuckle.
K: That's right Mer! You must meet our special guest!
L: Oh please not you as well Kenz...
Meredith: Who is it honey?
Me and Kenzie share a look and stand next to Lauren.
J&K: Lauren's boyfriend!
L: Urgh Jenzie!
We break into laughter as Lauren blushed like crazy. Mom was smiling at Lauren as she smiled awkwardly back.
L: Um I guess. Can he join us mom?
Meredith: Well I don't see why not. As long as he's had permission from his parents?
L: Yes he has
Meredith: Great well, I'm happy for him to join us
L: Great. I'll just go and um get him
She forces a smile as she gives us a death stare walking out. I give her a wave and chuckle. Kenzie giggles and I smiled hearing it.
We all piled into the car with Lauren and Brandon being all lovey dovey. Kenzie sits next to me and I smile. She plugs in her earbuds and I could hear Ariana Grande's new album blasting out. I softly giggle and do the same. The ride was long and soon Lauren had fallen asleep on Brandon's shoulder. They were all cuddled up and I smiled, imagining it was me and Kenzie. I'm guessing the love gods were listening as I felt something on my shoulder and look to see Kenzie asleep. She looked adorable and I slowly wrap an arm around her waist. She stirs around and snuggles closer to me before settling down. I smiled and I felt the butterflies in my stomach go super crazy. Hesitantly, I place a soft kiss on her forehead. It felt good as if she was truly mine. Soon, my eyes feel heavy and I soon fall asleep, with Kenzie snuggled up with me.
Mackenzie's POV
I wake up and immediately notice I had fallen asleep on Johnny's shoulder. He let me sleep on his shoulder? And his arm was secured around my waist. I smiled thinking about it. Ah! He's so cute. He woke up and I stared into his gorgeous green eyes.
K: Nice nap?
J: Yep. As you know, I need my beauty sleep
K: Yeah you're right
J: Hey!
We chuckle and Landon wake up.
L: Aw! Jenzie fell asleep together
J: Quiet Lauren. Otherwise, I'll might reconsider Brandon being so close to you
K: Don't be so mean John. Don't worry Laur, I won't allow him
L: Thanks Kenzie. Lenzie forever
K: Lenzie forever
We both giggle and Johnny just rolls his eyes.
Meredith: We're here kids!
K&L: Yay!
I hop out of the car and immediately take a picture of the scenery. I felt Johnny's arm snake around my waist and I feel goosebumps from his touch on my bare skin.
J: View's beautiful isn't it
K: Yeah. It's gorgeous
J: And that isn't the only thing
He smiles and looks at me. I felt myself blush and immediately look down. He tilts my chin, forcing me to look up at him. I smile and so does he. We both lean in and I was eager to feel his lips. But no. Stupid fate!
L: You guys coming! Oh I'm so-
J: Save it! Urgh the universe sucks!
Lauren gives me a side hug and I give her a small smile. I grab my bag from the car and find a spot on the beach. Meredith comes along and gives me a beach chair and an umbrella. After thanking her, I grab my book and continue to read. I see Johnny running over to me in the distance and my heart began to race. Johnny was shirtless and his hair was wet and messy. I had no words.
J: Wow you really love my body don't you
K: Get over yourself Orlando
J: Whatever. You not coming into the water?
K: No thank you. I'm perfectly fine here nice and dry, reading my book
J: Oh come on. Have some fun!
K: I am having fun!
J: Remove that romper and hop into the water!
K: Seem keen Orlando? Guess you want to see my body also?
I smirk and his cheeks burned from embarrassment. He had nothing to say.
K: No words player?
J: Whatever
I laugh and get up from my chair. Lauren walks over with Brandon. They were holding hands and my heart melted.
K: Aw you guys are so cute!
L: So are you two
J: Thank Laur, we know
He says whilst putting an arm around my waist.
K: Ew Johnny you're wet!
J: All the more reason to take off your romper and jump into the ocean!
L: Someone's eager for Kenzie to strip
J: Shut it Choppy!
I giggle and nod at Lauren. Placing my book on the chair, I slowly remove my romper, leaving me in my bikini. Lauren does the same and I smiled at her.
J: W-w-woah. K-Kenz
B: Damn
J: Careful there dude. That's my sister
B: Sorry
J: You seem alright for my lil sis. Break her heart, then you die. Simple
B: I promise. I never will
J: Good
Me and Lauren had buckets of water ready whilst they were talking. We were stood behind them as they rambled on about sports and other weird boy stuff. Me and Lauren both gave each a nod. I throw the bucket of water over Johnny. He turns around with an annoyed expression.
J: Ziegler!
K: Hahahaha
I couldn't stop laughing and neither could Lauren.
J: Time for a swim!
K: No, no Johnny, no
I drop the bucket and run away from him. I could hear him chasing me and I laughed as I ran faster. He finally grabbed me and I laughed more. It felt as if all my troubles were being washed away and I was having so much fun. With him. With Johnny. He picked me up bridal style and giggled as I joined him.
K: John no!
J: Bye bye!
He threw me in the water and I was fully submerged. My hair was completely drenched and so was I.
K: Johnny! My hair! Urgh I'm gonna kill you!
J: Sorry Ziegler
I crossed my arms and he held his sides whilst laughing like crazy. An idea came to my mind. I pretended to fall and gasp in pain.
K: John. You threw me and now my foot hurts
I pretend to wipe a few tears. His facial expression softens and he holds his hand out.
J: Kenzie I'm so sorry. Here, take my hand
K: Thanks!
I take his hand and pull him into the water. I get up and start to laugh at him whilst he rolls his eyes. After a while, he just giggles and smiles at me. I smile back and we both just stare at each other.
L: Lunch?
K: Y-y-eah. Coming
Johnny smiles and I walk off with Lauren. Wow! Was I starstruck? Wow. Love is beautiful
Johnny's POV
We all dry off and go off to lunch. Mom had to attend a business meeting so we just went ahead. I could not stop staring at Kenz. She just looked too beautiful. As the waitress hands us the menu, Kenzie gives me a look and I grab her hand. We order lunch and I order for Kenzie, which she gratefully accepted. Whilst we were waiting, I recognised a witch. Oh lord. Why was Nadia here? I pray she doesn't notice us but of course. She does. Brilliant! She smirks at me and walks over.
N: Well if it isn't pathetic Mackugly
L: Oh hey slutty barbie
N: Shut it Orlando junior
J: Get lost Nadia
N: I'm leaving. As if I want to be seen talking to a pathetic bitch like Mackugly
I look over at Kenz and see tears scratching at her eyes. She looks up at me and I squeeze her hand. She gets up from her chair and runs out. My heart breaks. I hate seeing her cry. Lauren gets up but I stop her.
J: I'll go Laur
L: Make sure she's ok
J: I will
After giving Lauren a small smile, I go out of the restaurant to try and find Kenzie. I find her on a bench not too far from the restaurant. Slowly, I sit next to her and wrap my arm around her shoulders. She looks up at me and I see her bloodshot eyes.
K: I'm sorry. I know I'm pathetic but-
J: No. You are not pathetic Kenzie
K: Am I really that bad?
J: You're not Kenz. You're amazing and Nadia is just pathetic and jealous.
She smiles and then envelops me into a hug. I hug back and we stay there. We pull away and I wipe away the remaining tears on her face. She softly chuckles.
Lily: Ew! Cooties!
We both turn and find the little girl staring at us in disgust. We both giggle and she rests her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around her waist.
K: Thanks John
J: Anything for you Kenzie

I like me better (cover)
By Mackenzie Ziegler and Johnny Orlando

How He Fixed Me | A Jenzie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now