Long Time No See...

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Two weeks later
Johnny and Kenzie sorted out the problem. It's now Rose's birthday and they are in Disney Land Paris
Johnny's POV
Me and Kenzie wake up and order a special birthday breakfast for Rose. We set the table and placed the cake in the middle. Kenzie then began spreading confetti on the table and places the rest of the food items on the table. We blew up balloons and placed them everywhere.

Me and Kenzie snuck into her room and sang happy birthday to her

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Me and Kenzie snuck into her room and sang happy birthday to her.
J: Happy birthday princess
K: Happy birthday Rose
R: Thank you mom and dad
She opens her gifts and we sit down at the table enjoying our breakfast.
J: Me and your mom have another special gift for you princess

J: Me and your mom have another special gift for you princess

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R: It's very pretty. What is it?
K: It's a locket Rose. Inside is a picture of me, your dad and a family picture of us three.
J: When you're older, we will give it to you on your sixteenth birthday.
R: Ok dad. I will wait till I am 16. I love you mom and dad
K: Love you too
J: Love you too princess
K: Go and get changed Rose
R: Yes mom

Mackenzie's POV
I walk into our bedroom and have a quick shower and brush my teeth. I get changed and wore clothes which were appropriate for Disney Land.

 I get changed and wore clothes which were appropriate for Disney Land

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I chuckle and walk out. As I finish cleaning up. I feel two hands wrap around my waist. I turn around and lock eyes with green emeralds. He pecks my lips and just smiles. I wrap my arms around his neck and smile back.
J: You look really cute.
K: Thanks. I know I do
He leans in and whispers in my ear.
J: Stop trying to get me turned on
He pecks my neck as I gasp. He smirks and walks away to get changed. After a while, he walks out looking adorable.

Rose walks out and we leave our hotel to go to the rides

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Rose walks out and we leave our hotel to go to the rides. We met with Maddie and Jack and they took Rose on some more rides whilst Me and John went to go get food. Whilst we were waiting in line. John wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him and interlocked our hands. I smiled and playfully rolled my eyes. He leaned in and I turned, making him kiss my cheek.
J: I love you
K: Hehehehe I love you too
As we both lean in, I feel a cold hand placed on my shoulder. I turn around and i stop in my tracks.
????: Long time no see Mackenzie
????: And Johnny, I see you're still with this slut
J: Fuck Off Nadia. Stay away from us. You're the slut here
Nadia: Cat got your tongue there Kenzie?
K: I don't waste my breath on useless people like you
Nadia: Whatever.
J: Get. Lost. Bitch
Nadia: You should've chosen me Johnny. Not her
She walks away. I get lost in my thoughts. Should Johnny have chosen Nadia? Do I deserve him?
Johnny's POV
After Nadia leaves, I see that Kenzie gets lost in her thoughts. I leave her alone, as I don't want to make a scene in public. I squeeze her hand reassuringly and she looks up at me. She looks in my eyes and I see hurt hidden in her eyes. She looks away and I feel guilty. Nadia must've brought back memories. We walk back and eat lunch. Maddie and Jack had to leave as it was their anniversary and Jack wanted to do something special. We went back to our hotel room and Kenzie went to the balcony. I was about to follow but then Rose stopped me.
R: Dad?
J: Yes Rose?
R: I don't feel well
I touched her forehead and she was burning up. Her face looked quite pale too.
J: Rose, you're burning up. Why didn't you say something
R: I didn't want to ruin the day
J: You wouldn't have. You come first Rose. Promise me that next time you will tell me if anything happens
R: I promise
I pick her up and carry her to her bed. I pull up the covers on her and stand up.
R: Dad? 
J: Yes Rose?
R: Please can you stay?
J: Of course I will
I lie down in her double bed and she snuggles up closer to me. After a while she dozes off. I slowly leave her bed and walk into mine and Kenzie's room. Kenzie was standing on the balcony. I wrapped my arms around her waist and gave her a peck on her neck. I turn her around and see her tear stained face, with her red puffy eyes.
J: Come on princess. Don't cry, you know I don't like that
K: Sorry
J: Don't apologise
K: I...should you have chosen Nadia? Do I deserve you?
J: I don't love Nadia. I love you. You deserve me Kenz. I love you so much, words can't even explain
K: I love you too
She gives me a weak smile and I kiss her forehead and we share a hug. She rests her head on my shoulder and I rest my head on hers. I wrap my arm around her waist. We stand in silence and admire the view.
J: Kenz?
K: Yeah?
J: Rose is sick
K: Oh no. Where is she?
J: Having a nap
K: Did you give her any medicine?
J: No not yet
K: I think I have some
Kenzie's POV
I look in my medicine bag and find some medicine for Rose. I walk into her room and see that she is still sleeping. I feel her forehead and she is burning up. I slide into her bed and she snuggles up to me. I use my phone and wait for Rose to wake up. After 10 minutes she slowly wakes up.
K: How do you feel sweetie?
R: Not good mom
K: Oh honey. Have some medicine Rose
R: It's gross I don't want it
K: You have to Rose
J: Yes princess. You have to
R: But dad, it's gross
K: Please Rose
J: How will you get better then Rose?
R: If I do, then mom will you stay with me?
K: Of course Rose, I'm always with you
I feed her the medicine and she swallows it and makes a weird face after. I chuckle and lie her down. I lie down next to her and John lies next to me. He whispers in my ear.
J: I wanted you all to myself tonight
K: Do you want another child?
He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear
J: Maybe
K: Hehehehehehehe
J: Do you want to go get changed? I'll stay with Rose
K: Yeah. Thanks angel
I kiss Rose's forehead and walk back into our room. I remove my makeup and quickly get changed.

 I walk back into the room and get back into Rose's bed

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I walk back into the room and get back into Rose's bed. John leaves and my eyelids begin to get heavy. John gets back into the bed and we all fall asleep.

Perfect Holidays
By Mackenzie Ziegler

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