I Love You

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Mackenzie's POV
The bright sunshine peeked in from the windows. I slowly opened my eyes, allowing them to adjust to the sunlight. As I reach for my phone, I notice an envelope on my bedside table. It was light pink with a heart wax seal on it. Written on the front was 'Mackenzie Frances Ziegler'. Intrigued, I carefully open the letter. I unfold and read the neat, delicate writing.

Dear Mackenzie,
Morning my  beautiful angel. I finally get to address you the way I've always wanted to. As promised, today I am going to gift you my present. I hope you enjoy it Kenz, I really do. I can't wait to see you tonight in all your beauty. I've planned a few events for today and a few more letters will tell you what you need. Have fun gorgeous. I'll see you very soon.

Love from Johnny xx

I blush after finishing the letter and clutch it close to my chest. Smiling, I think about seeing him tonight. I grab my phone and scroll through Instagram, the huge smile never leaving my face.

 liked by johnnyorlando and kenzieziegler

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liked by johnnyorlando and kenzieziegler

LaurenOrlando88 Love being a Jenzie thirdwheel 🤗

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kenzieziegler thirdwheel?
LaurenOrlando88 don't play dumb sis

johnnyorlando it was just meant to be me and her 🙄

LaurenOrlando88 ❤️🤷🏻‍♀️

I smile at the comments. Excited, I get out of bed and throw my hair up into a messy ponytail. As I make my way to the bathroom, the door knocks. Curious, I open the door and see Lauren with a tray of breakfast in her hands. She was wearing a cute black romper and had a mischievous grin painted on her face.
L: Morning Mackenzie
K: Good morning...
L: Breakfast in bed. Pancakes, fruit, brownies and a Pink Drink from Starbucks. Courtesy of Johnny
K: Oh wow
I blush a little as I look at the delicious spread.
K: Do you know what's going on?
L: Sorry, classified information. Eat up, the day is long
I giggle and take the tray. Placing it on the bed, I grab the envelope which had the same seal as the previous one. Smiling, I open and read the writing with a massive smile on my face.

Breakfast fit for a princess! I hope you enjoy what I put together for you. Eat up as the day awaits you. Another envelope will be slid under your door soon. Enjoy angel.

Love from Johnny xxx

I begin to eat the pancakes as I think about how much effort Johnny put into all this. Does that mean he likes me? Or maybe he's just doing this because it was my birthday. My head was racing with thoughts as I felt a mix of confusion and excitement. My heart was full with love and I felt like this day couldn't get better. But it did.

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