"Losing Weight"

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After health ended, and I slept through history class, English began.

I've never been a fan of English class, ever. The teachers are mean, the homework is hard, and everyone just gets super stressed.

Stripping my bag from my shoulder I sit far in the back and wait for Mr. Costello to start class.

"Hello class, yesterday I explained our entire year project, so just work on that."

I froze.

Oh fuck I'm totally screwed.

I raise my hand. Mr. Costello gives me an evil grin and pretends he doesn't see me.

You little douche canoe.

I start to panic.

What the hell am I going to do?! Wait! I'll ask someone. Okay who looks like the least awful person in this room?

I notice a boy actually sat next to me.


"Psss, what's the big project of the year?" I whisper to the kid beside me.

He glances up and notices me staring at him. Instead of responding he furiously writes something down in the notebook he has.

- The assignment is to keep a journal throughout this whole year, at the end of the year we look over them and write an essay about how our lives progressed -

I read it and mouth 'thank you' to him which is followed by a wink.

Personally no boy has ever winked at me. EVER. So this caught me off guard. This boy was seriously attractive, too, and I have learned to not think that about any guys.

Keep it together, Cassie, it's just a stupid boy.

I take out a blank notebook from my bag and start.

What to write?

"Class, I've decided that your journals will revolve around a single topic: progress. You have to pick one thing you are going to do that requires progress," Mr. Costello's simple statement is followed by many groans.

I tap my black pen on the blank piece of paper. Deep in thought I don't even notice the note that has landed upon my desk.

Is that a note?

Now I'm completely freaked out.

Everyone leaves me alone, so where did this come from?

I open it and what I read brings me to a panic:

> hey babe, meet me aftr skool?

Luv hot stuf Brad <

I feel steaming bile form in the back of my throat. I crumple the piece of paper and shove it in my bag with a rage.

This had got to stop before I lose it.

I fix my hood to hide my face even more and avert my eyes from the outside world.

Time to write down topics.

• grades

• friendship

• getting rid of Brad

All these topics are shit.

My mind starts to drift off...

"You're really ugly, did you know that?"

"You're fat too, I don't tell anyone about you because I'm ashamed of you."

"You need help, you fat bitch,"

Then a topic hits me.

• losing weight

I could lose a few pounds, maybe 5 or so. This could work out, if it's only 5 and I have all year this will be a piece of cake.


Okay I'm super sorry about the really short chapter but I'm going to post this and the next will follow tonight, love you darlings

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