"He Had One Girlfriend"

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Luke's POV

No. Fucking. Way.

Across from me is the interlocked hands of my brother and the girl who's slowly stealing my heart.

Okay Luke, there are two options, let it happen or stop it........stop it.

I look down at the shiny fork in my hand and smile. I toss the fork directly at Kade's hand and grin as it pierces his skin exactly.

Thank you, football practice.

Kade jumps up from the table giving me a chance to slip back into my seat unnoticed.

"What's wrong?!" My dad asks, not noticing the blood forming in Kade's hand.

He takes the fork out of his hand and screams, "Someone stabbed me with a fork!"

Good thing we're in a separate room, JESUS Kade, you're so loud.

A laughter erupts from the table.

"I'm not joking!" He exclaims.

I see Cassie whisper something to Kade. He nods and they both exit from the table.

Where the hell are they going?

Cassie's POV

I drag Kade outside of the women's restroom so we can clean and wrap his hand.

"Wait here," I give Kade an 'it'll be okay' look and briskly enter the bathroom.

I grab some paper towels, folding and wetting one of them with semi-warm water. I look up briefly but stop at what I see.

Is that really what I look like? I'm so...fat.

My hair is a blue mess and my skin is acne filled. My teeth are yellow and my eyes look tired and dull

But the worst part is my body. My armpit fat seeps over the top of the dress, my love handles and stomach poke out and show under the tight dress, and my thighs, my thighs are like two big tree trunks of VERY large trees.

My jaw drops in horror at myself.

You fat cow! You need to start working on your project NOW.

I see the paper towels in my hand and remember what I was supposed to be doing. Exiting the bathroom, my eyes catch Kade with a pained expression. He sees me and his face transforms into a bored look.

"Sorry it took so long, I had to wait for the water to warm."

He nods and I walk closer to him, dabbing the wound. He tries to hide a wince from the damp paper towel's contact with his cut, but I see it.

"Who stabbed you with a fork?" I try to hide the laugh at my odd question.

"I think Luke saw us holding hands."

"That can't be it, he can't be that insane," I laugh.

Kade looks at me funny for a second, but gains his composure back immediately.

"Yeah, he's weird with feelings, considering he pretends he doesn't have them. He's only really had one girlfriend."

"What? How could he only have one girlfriend if he has girls over all the time?" I ask, confused as hell.

"He had one girlfriend," he begins, leading me to a cushy seat between the bathroom doors. I sit down and dress his wound while he explains, "but she completely destroyed him. They had been dating for two years and Luke finally confessed his love for her, after he told her she began to cry. 'Why are you crying?' he has asked her and she just shook her head. He kept kissing her cheek and asking her and asking her and she finally wiped her face and looked at him. Turns out she had been cheating on him the whole time."

"The whole time?!"

"After the first week she got bored and found a new guy, but didn't have the heart to break up with him. Soooo she took his virginity and broke his heart. Now he's a total douche and hates love."


I don't think I'll ever look at him the same again.

"Yeah," he looks down at his hand, "well, I guess we better get back to the table."

Kade's POV

The waiter had just brought our food: Mom, Dad, and Luke had gotten steaks, I had a chocolate parfait, and Cassie had a salad.

Cassie thought Luke throwing a fork at me was insane? God...if she knew the things I have done she wouldn't be able to look at me.

I continue to eat my parfait and notice Cassie just pushing her salad around.

"You okay?" I whisper to her.

"Yeah, just really full from lunch today," she gives me a small smile and returns back to listening to Maria talk about the new shoes she just bought.

We didn't have lunch...and Cassie slept through breakfast...how is she full?

I shake my head and twirl my spoon in the parfait.

This is so freaking good.

- time lapse -

After we drive home in the limo, we all disperse to our separate rooms. I walk in on Cassie taking off her shoes.

"Kade, do you guys have a scale?"

"Yeah, what do you need it for?" I ask suspiciously.

"My English project."

"You decided on a topic?"


"Well what is it?" I mask my annoyance at her withholding the information with curiosity.

"I don't really want to talk about it, it's kind of personal, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, the scale is in the linen closet outside of the bathroom," I try to lighten the air with a smile and she calms a bit.

"Thank you," she leaves the room quickly.

Cassie's POV

I walk down the hallway and find the linen closet; sitting at the bottom of it is the scale.

I pull out the scale and step onto it.

134 lbs.

Well, I lost a pound, but I drank a ton of soda at dinner. I have to write this down in my project notebook.

I put the scale back into the bottom of the closet and close the door.

"Uh...Cassie?" A voice sounds behind me.

"Yes?" I say, turning around.


"Are you coming to the party or not?"

"The party?"

"Yeah, didn't my mom tell you?"

I think back to when Maria told me about tonight, "Oh right! Yes, the party! I don't know if I should go, it's kind of late and I don't have anything to wear..."

"You have something to wear!" A voice calls from the other end of the hallway.

I turn and see Maria with a bag in her hand.

Uh oh.

Final day of update week! I'm so glad I kept up with this and didn't forget any days! I want to update a lot more so please could you guys comment days you would like me to update?!

And seriously thank you guys for all the reads, it makes me so happy to know that people are actually reading and somewhat "enjoying" what I write! (Also thanks for all the comments, I love reading what you have to say!)

This is where the story of Cassie losing herself begins, enjoy.

P.S. I read the last chapter again and was horrified at how bad that filler chapter was, I promise to make the chapters better :)

I love you my darlings

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