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Luke's POV

I glance at the clock in the lobby.

12:14 a.m.

No one is coming for me.

I sigh and start to get up from my chair, but am stopped by what I hear.

"Hello, yes, my name is Cassie, Cassie Brown, I'm here to pick up patient Luke- oh, he's right there?"

I meet eyes with Cassie and her face breaks out into a huge smile.

"Luke..." she practically whispers.

I smile and run towards her, wrapping my arms tightly around her.

"I didn't think anyone would come," I confess, feeling my eyes tear up.

"I'm sorry I am so late, there was loads of traffic, but I'm here now."

Tears starts slipping from my eyes, "You're...here..."

I squeeze my arms even tighter around her and notice something on her neck.

No...he didn't...please tell me he didn't...

"Is that a hickey?" I ask.

She doesn't even blush, "Yeah...Brad won't leave me alone."



"Yeah, luckily Kade stopped him before he did anything too terrible."

"Stopped? You mean you aren't together?"

"Oh God no, he's been trying to," she lowers her voice to nothing above a whisper, "rape me for a while."

"What?!" I whisper-shout.

That horny-ass piece of shit is a dead man.

"Yes, but now Kade is going to keep and eye on him so it's all g-"

"No. I'm watching over you now."

Kade is a little prick, he can't do anything!

I hug her again and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you for coming to pick me up, this means the world to me."

I take her hand and walk outside with her. Her face is a deep shade of pink, easy to see in the moonlight.

"I...I hope you don't mind, I borrowed your car and drove here..." She looks down at her feet.

No one has ever driven my car but me...

"I don't mind at all, as long as you didn't crash it," I laugh.

She smiles and takes the keys out of her designer jeans pocket.

Maria finally showed her the closet, I'm guessing.

I jog past her and open the driver's side door for her.

She smiles even wider and steps in. Closing it, I get into the passenger side and click the CD button. Stevie Nick's "Edge of Seventeen" starts playing.

Ah...finally...good music.

"Haha, is the music that bad in the hospital?" She smiles and starts driving.

Wait...I said that out loud?

"Yeah, it's shit, it's either in another language or just weird instruments, sometimes the head doctor would put on operas that no one liked for hours and hours on repeat. It was horrible."

She starts laughing really loudly.

It's......beautiful. Her laugh is like music...not the aggravating opera type, but like rock and roll...I want to listen to it all day.

"Why don't you laugh and smile like that all the time?"

She looks straight ahead at the road, "I guess it's because I don't have a reason to..."

"Oh...me neither."

I twist the white hospital bracelet around my wrist, singing quietly to the song.

"What was it like in there?" She pauses, "In the hospital, I mean."

"It was very bright, very clean, but not enough air to breathe, and the nurses kept hitting on me."

"They what?!"

"The nurses. They would flirt and try to 'have their way' with me. It was really odd actually."

She says something under her breath that I don't hear.

"What?" I ask.

She clears her throat,"...Well it's understandable, given with how you look."


"And how do I look, Ms. Brown?"


"Now that's not a good word," I laugh, imitating her English teacher I had last year.

"Godly, beautiful, like summer."

"Godly?" I smirk.

"Yes, like Zeus or Poseidon, you seem more like a god of the sea."


"Like the sky."

"Like summer?"

"Yes, warm like sunshine, sweet like ice cream, salty like the sea, free like the nights, fulfilling like the days."

"I never thought of summer like that."

She starts to respond, but stop as the piano entrance of "Bennie and the Jetts" starts.

"I love this song!" She laughs, twisting the dial up.

Me too.

Super short, but still, DOUBLE UPDATE!

I'm just really excited because you guys comment and message the sweetest things about this, which makes me want to write more and more.

I'm not sure if I should write many short chapters or more long chapters... Comment what you think!

Hope you enjoyed the double update!

I love you my darlings

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