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"Kade?!" She whispers.

"Just leave me alone!" I whisper back.

She looks at me confused.

Cassie's POV

I walk to the cafeteria after history class.

Lunch time, great.

I enter the "nutrition center" through its double doors and grab a tray. Stepping into line I fill my tray with 5 pieces of pizza.

Today has been shit, I'm eating everything but salad.

I start to walk toward an empty table when I'm stopped.

"Oh my God! Guys, look! It's a rare beluga whale!" Jenny screeches in fake delight.

I give her a bored look.

"Oh look! It's the rare cock-sucking bimbo! If you throw a penny at her you'll get your prick licked!"

She and her groupies gasp and give me "mean" looks.

I try to shove past her, but she continues to throw words in my face.

"I knew your stomach was fat, but it can fit five pieces of pizza?! Hey everyone! Look how much she's eating!"

I'm not exaggerating when I say that everyone in the cafeteria looked at me.

Does she really want me to shove food in her face again?

I smile.

"Oh no! Jenny, your makeup is messed up!" I say, my fake concern evident.

"What?! Where?! Girls!"

"Here, I'll get it!" I fan my face like it's actually a problem as I slyly pick up a piece of pizza off my tray.

She's fanning at herself and breathing like she's going through traumatic stress.

"Here, it's just right-" I slam the piece of pizza on her face and rub it in, "there."

The whole cafeteria is dead silent as I throw my tray down on a table and leave.

Luke's POV

I walk down the empty hallway, thumping my hand on the side of my thigh to the music in my ears.

Oh God, I'm sick of sleeping alone

I stop mouthing the words as I see Cassie running towards me, checking behind her every few seconds.

"Cassie?" My mouth asks before I can stop myself.

"Wha-?" Cassie rams into me right when she realizes I'm here.

Her face is hovering above mine, "Sorry," she laughs nervously, "I'm running away from Satan."

I pull out an earbud and laugh.


"Yes, whom's face I just smeared pizza all over."

"Oh shit."

She climbs off of me and I hear her stomach grumble.

Ask her if she wants food, you shit.

"Hey Cassie?" I manage to say as I get up.


She's glancing behind her shoulder, expecting the devil.

"Want to get foo-?"

"You fucking whore!"

And The Prince of Darkness appears.

Maria's POV

I'm looking at an adorable Versace handbag when my phone rings.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello, yes, your son has gotten into some trouble, your presence is requested at the school immediately."

"Which son?"


I end the call.

I am not going to that school for that shit kid.

Kade's POV

I sit in an uncomfortable chair of the Principal's Office.

She gets off the phone and looks straight at me.

"Tell me again how you got into a fight yet again?"

She shakes her head in an annoyed fashion and looks to the boy sitting next to me.

"It was honestly all Kaden's fault," Brad says in a suck-up tone.


"Was it, Mister?" She snaps her neck towards me.

"No!" I shout, annoyed, "he's the one who started it, all I did was tell his girlfriend to calm down."

"You did not!" Brad yells, turning his body to face me.

"Yes I did!"

"NO! You told Jenny to stop being a whore! She is NOT a whore!"

I see the principal shiver at his language out of the corner of my eye.

"No! I said-"

"Boys! Quiet down! This is a civilized office, not a zoo!" She screams.

We both go silent and look at her.

"I honestly don't care who started it or said what, your punishment is three weeks suspension and a 5,000 word paper on why violence isn't the answer, you are dismissed."

Is she fucking joking? 5,000 words?!

We both nod and exit her office.

"This is all your fault, fag," Brad laughs, shoving me into a wall.

I wince from the impact of hitting the wall and turn right, the opposite way of Brad, down the hall, only to be greeted by my brother, the whore who got me into this mess, and the girl who's stolen my heart.

Okay, first off I'm extremely sorry for a short chapter but I'm trying to update more and that means more chapters but they'll be short.


This is really amazing guys, I just wanted to say thank you and announce that when this is finished (probably won't be soon lol) I will be writing a second book. Yes I know, sequels usually suck, but I promise it won't be terrible!

Thank you for all the reads and votes!

I love you, my darlings.

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