"I'm So Sorry, Cassie."

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"Open the goddamn door before I break it down!"

My whole body jumps in both fear and surprise.



I get out of the tub and wrap a towel around me in barely seconds. Before I can even reach for the doorknob it slams open.

"You are fucking dead, you little faggot, I am going to kill you!"

"What did I do?" I ask plainly.

And then she slapped me. Hard.

"You know exactly what you did! I do everything for you and then you try to embarrass me?! I'm ashamed to call you my daughter!"


"You're going to pay that's what you are!"

She grabs my wrists and digs her long red-painted claws into my delicate flesh.

Shit where are we going? Wait that's my room. No no no no no no no

She kicks my CD rack to the ground, knocking over my only friends.

"NO!" I scream, but it's as if I'm in a glass box, one that has been forming all these years.

She spits and kicks and shatters my CDs to pieces, but doesn't stop there.

Come on Cassie, break the glass. Come out of this fucking cage.

"STOP IT YOU PSYCHO BITCH!" I scream and run towards her.

The glass broke.

I broke.


When I come back to reality all I see is red.



My blood? No, my mother's blood.

She has a cut on her forehead that's bleeding.

She's unconscious, but not dead.

I do the only thing I know how to do, I run.

My feet follow the memory of the stair pattern. I breathe hard, not from running, but from fear.

What was that?

I look towards the place of the sudden noise.

My phone?

The screen flashes with an unknown number.


Cassie, please understand how sorry I am, I really am sorry

I freeze in pure horror to this news. My mind is swimming with possibilities, but only one comes clear to my vision:

Who is this?


Who is this?

I respond quickly, or at least quick to me since I don't normally text anyone.

I tap my foot waiting.

Fucking breathe, Cassie!

When the familiar name "Kaden" appears on the screen I let out a sigh, which is stopped when fear trembles through my skin.


Why are you sorry?


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