"Oh Fuck It, I Like You"

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Kade's POV

Where the hell are they?!

I tap my foot angrily against the floor of the foyer.

The door suddenly opens and reveals Cassie laughing and looking at Luke as she opens the door with her butt.

Damn her butt is- Kade, focus.

"Where the hell have you guys been?" I ask, trying to disguise my anger with worry.

"There was bad traffic," Luke says.

Bad traffic my ass.

"Oh, well it's good you're home now," I smile.

"Yeah...well, Cassie, would you like to bunk in my room?" Luke asks.

Wow. Way to hide how excited you are....

Cassie nods without a second thought and they walk up the stairs.

I wonder if she would sleep in my bed if I "fell" down some stairs...

I shrug the idea off and follow up the stairs into my room. Shrugging off my clothes, except for my boxers, I climb into bed with a sigh and fall fast asleep.

Cassie's POV

The beep of Luke's alarm clock wakes me from my death-like sleep.

I try to move, but something heavy rests on top of me. My eyes peer under the blanket and see an arm not belonging to me.


I glance around me and blush slightly.

Dear God, we're spooning.

"Luke, wake up," I practically whisper.

He grunts and opens his eyes, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly.

"Do we have to go to school?"

"Sadly, yes, but it's Friday, that means it's almost the weekend."

He pulls me tighter to him in a backwards hug and sighs, "Fine."

Letting me go, we both crawl out of bed and I walk to the closet in search of today's outfit.

Luke's POV

I wait outside the walk-in closet for Cassie, checking the time to make sure we aren't late. She opens the door and stops abruptly in surprise at me being there.

"Wow you get ready fast," she laughs.

"Yeah...boys tend to."

"Oh well."

"....Oh well, I still hope for the best..." I mumble under my breath.


"Oh, nothing, just singing to myself."

She nods and follows me down the staircase and into my car. I open the car door for her and climb in, turning the key and backing out.

Maria's POV

"Kade, you have to wake up," I say for the fiftieth time to my son.

He groans and pulls the onyx comforter over his head and curls into a ball.

I roll my eyes and yank the comforter away with ease.


He shivers slightly, but remains with his face shoved into his pillow.

"If you don't wake up, I'll tell Cassie about your little 'incident' when we went shopping," I smirk.

He springs out of bed and throws on a shirt and jeans in seconds. Combing his fingers through his hair, he yanks up his backpack and runs down the stairs all the way to the car.

Knew that would work, you dumbass.

Cassie's POV

"How are you feeling?" I ask casually as we walk into the school.

"Well...it feels really really good to be out of the hospital."

I nod and he follows me to my locker.

"How are you feeling?" He laughs as I starts unpacking my things.

"Fine, I just want school to be over."

"Wow, the bitch actually showed up, I didn't think she'd ever show her face again after yesterday," Jenny snickers from behind me.

I sigh, annoyed, and turn around.

"Why would I be embarrassed when you tried to display my rack in front of our entire grade? Doesn't that make you look bad?"

Her eyes widen in realization and she fans her face, "I don't give a fuck what you say, I'm not a lesbian and just because you need some Abercrombie model wannabe to protect you, doesn't me I'm scared of your fat-ass."

"What the fuck? Just because I dum- ..I had a one night stand with you, doesn't mean you can take it out on Cassie!" Luke yells, his fists clenched.

"You actually think I give a damn about you? Hah! You're just some piece of shit I acknowledged because I was drunk!" Jenny laughs.

Luke's eyes flicker in hurt, but his stance remains, "That you acknowledged?! You're to one who came crawling back to me, begging and pleading me to fuck you!"

She scoffs in disgust, "I would never!"

"Never? What about this week?"

Her jaw clenches and her whole face looks pissed.

Oh shit.

"You son of a bitch! You think you can hurt me? Insult me? Terrorize me? Well you can't! You can't destroy me, you can't call me a slut or a whore! You're just a player who fucks girls for fun and then breaks them into pieces! You're a liar, a cheater, and piece of shit."

He fucks girls for fun? He's a player?

"You yuppie cunt. You actually think Cassie would believe any of your shit? Telling her that I will 'break her' won't keep her away from dating me."

"What?" Jenny and I both say in unison.

"I-I mean...oh fuck it, I like you, Cassie, a lot and I'm sorry for that," he throws a hateful look in Jenny's direction and sprints away, fading into the morning crowd of people.

Okay shit this wasn't a long chapter at all! I'm really really sorry for taking a few days to update, but things have been really bad lately with my family and my health, but I FINALLY updated!

Anyway isn't Jenny just a whore-able person?

Okay ignore my awful puns :P

Anyway I don't have school tomorrow so I will definitely start the next chapter!

I love you, my darlings

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