The third and final book to the changed series. Brianna's been gone due to certain circumstances and work. T'Challa has another crazy ex who is back in Wakanda before Nakia how would it make Brianna feel? Are there still feelings between Erik and Br...
Brianna and I walked into the palace as Kaylah came and greeted us soon everyone came in. "Girl you look snatched" Kaylah said as Brianna twirled in her dress. "What have you been doing?" Shuri asked Brianna about her body.
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Her body does not look the way it does when she left I believe before she left she ate due to stress and now her body was even more tight.
"Where is Erik?" I asked curious because I was surprised he was not the first person to run downstairs to see Brianna. "He is getting the kids from school" Shuri informed.
"Zariya and a Azari know I'm here?" Brianna asked "nope" Kaylah said grabbing Brianna's hand "now tell me how you lost some inches girl" Kaylah said as I chuckled.
"Brother You think Erik is over Brianna?" Shuri asked "he been on some dates he should be over her" I said shrugging "but she is my queen at the end of the day" I said smiling as Shuri laughed.
"And you still have a big head with small ears at the end of the day" Shuri said as I chuckled.
"Baba!" I heard Zariya yell through the door as Shuri and I turned Zariya hugged me "how was sc-" I was about to ask as she cut me off "is momma here?!" She asked excitedly as I shook my head.
"Well where is she?!" Azari asked as they looked upset " your mother is in New York" I lied as they smacked their teeth Zariya really wanted to see her mother their relationship was unbreakable like how Azari and I were. Azari and Zariya's relationship reminded me of shuri's and I.
"Wait a minute who told you, you can wear makeup?" I asked as she looked at me innocently then smiled " baba we have better things to worry about like where's mama" she said trying to. Hangs the subjects.
"I was trying to figure out the same thing" Erik said about Zariya's makeup. "Mommy said I can wear it" Zariya said " Well your mother and I are going to have a talk" I said as she walked away "where are you going?" I asked "to do work, I was really looking forward to Mommy coming but she's not here, I'll be in my room" she said then ran upstairs.
"Mom really isn't here?" Azari asked as I shook my head he huffed "man I needed someone to pick on" he said as Shuri, Erik and I laughed "so she can hit you?!" Erik asked as Azari nodded "yes!" He expressed making us laugh more and then he went upstairs.
"She's really not here?" Erik asked as I nodded my head " she is here, Kaylah stole her from me." I said as Erik chuckled.
"Here they come now" Shuri said "my king you have a visitor" Okoye said as I followed her.
Kaylah and I went back downstairs to see only Erik. "Welcome back my queen" he said smiling as I smiled and hugged him "keep your hands to yourself" Kaylah said to Erik as I felt his hand on my lower back.
"You look good" he said stepping back and looking at me " I know" I said flipping my inches. "This girl was planning to look good for somebody when she came back" Kaylah said smirking as I straight faced her.
"Mi husband" I said smiling "Where's Zariya and Azari?" I asked Erik as he pointed upstairs.
I started going upstairs peeking into Zariya's room seeing her at her desk listening to Beyoncé and doing her homework.
I snuck in covering her eyes "Auntie Shuri I'm not in the mood" she said as I moved my hands "Why not?" I asked as she whipped her head around.
"Mommy!" She squealed jumping out of her seat hugging me as I smiled hugging her back. "Hey Z" I squealed holding her tightly.
"I thought you were in New York?" She questioned as I shook my head " nope I came home with baba" I said as she held me tighter.
"I got to tell you everything that's been going on" she said excitedly as I sat on her bed smiling " smiling at her she was so beautiful.
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"Baba said I can't join the dance team at school" she said as I laughed "Why is the the first thing you say?" I asked laughing.
"Because it would've been too early to say you look snatched mama" she complimented as I laughed.
"Well did he tell you why you couldn't try out?" I asked "no he just said no and that was the end of the conversation and Erik agrees with him" Zariya said as I smiled "Z I'll handle it what else is going on" I said as she got excited.
"Homecoming is coming up" she said as I smiled "do you want to go?" I asked as she nodded " but baba said I got to go with him or Erik" Zariya added as I face palmed myself "anything else Erik and your father was up to while I was gone?" I asked "oh I have a date and a boyfriend" she said as I choked on air.
"A What?!" I asked "a boyfriend momma" she said slower as I threw a pillow at her " you ain't got shit but friends" I said "mom come on I'm pretty sure you had a boyfriend at fifteen" she said as I got quiet.
Shit Erik was my first boyfriend and I was fourteen going on fifteen but at seventeen I lost my virginity to him.
"Wait you had one?" She asked as I nodded "How was he? What does he look like? Is he in New York?!" She asked excitedly.
"Zariya it was a long time ago I don't remember him" I lied "I'm pretty sure you remembered his name" she said "Xavier was his name" I said "what did you like about him?!" She asked smiling.
"He made me smile, he made sure I was okay he was very caring and made me laugh I can tell him almost anything" I admitted smiling.
"What happened?" She asked "he turned and went into some type of depression and we had disagreements so I left" I said looking down.
"Between me and you" Zariya started off as I laughed "is it something I can get in trouble for?" I asked as she laughed "no mama I just wanted to know if it you two didn't split do you think you two would've had kids and got married?" She asked as I bit my cheek.
"Z what does this have to do with anything?" I asked "momma please just answer the question I just want to know" she begged as I shook my head "we could've if he didn't do what he did but then I would've never had you or Azari now would I?" I asked as she smiled
"Let me go see Azari, your aunt and uncle, uncle Jerome has been blowing up my phone since I've been gone." I said as she giggled.
I took a deep breath coming out of Zariya's room, Zariya about to get my ass caught up...