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I was watching and listening to how Erik and Brianna were acting. I did not like it at all. He has been making her laugh the whole entire safari so far.

I looked ahead not paying attention to Monica and what she was saying I was going tying to listen to see what Brianna and Erik were talking about.

"Baba" I heard Azari as I looked at him "are you seriously going to marry Monica?" He asked whispering as I nodded. "Yes I did propose" I said as Azari shrugged and sat back looking at everything.

"I got another doctors appointment at four weeks" Brianna whispered to Erik. "Alright I'll pick you up and we can go" he said as I got a little upset.

"I can go also" I said turning around looking at them"that's cool, yeah" Erik said smiling "um okay?" Brianna said giving me a look like "who was talking to you?" then went back to talking to Erik.

"Oh I got another appointment while you're in the stated handling business I'll make sure you have another picture" Monica brought up as I nodded and turned some trying to get Brianna to look at me but she was so into whatever her and Erik were talking about she was not even trying to look at me.

When she finally did I felt Monica lips on mine as she pulled away I watched Brianna smile and look away.

"Ma I need a dance for try outs" Zariya said bending her head back as she looked at Brianna.

"Dance?!" I asked "where have you been even Erik knew she was trying out for dance" Shuri said as I smacked my lips.

"I thought I told you that you could not be in dance?" I questioned her "why she can't dance?, she has two parents you know" Brianna said.

"Not right now" my mother said "thank you this is supposed to be family time" Monica said as everyone looked at her and I mean everyone including Okoye turning in her seat.

"Hoe... who are you?" Kaylah asked as Brianna's aunt joined in "What is going on with you two?!" Brianna's aunt asked "I'm moving back to New York I can't take this no more" Brianna simply said as everyone looked at her and she had her head in her hands.

"Go what's stopping you?" Monica simply asked as I nudged her "my kids I care about them that's the only reason why I am even still here, I hope you know what that feels like when you have yours" Brianna said with a tear rolling down her cheek as she hurried to wipe it.

My mother sighed "babygirl why do you want to move back to New York you have a husband and kids here this is home" Brianna's aunt said touching Brianna's shoulder as Brianna shook her head.

"Y'all just don't understand" Brianna said in a chuckle and shaking her head. "No say what you got to say, since we throwing a pity party for you" Monica said turning around looking at Brianna smiling.

"Wait who is she?" Brianna's uncle asked as everyone sighed "a pity party?" Brianna asked Monica as Monica nodded "yes a pity party its chaotic when you're around, it was supposed to be a family trip and you want to bring up moving back to New York like that's hurting anybody, you want somebody to feel bad for you and someone to care about it and we don't that's your problem" Monica said.

"It's deeper than what you think" Erik said. "You have no real reason to leave you just want to leave because you can't stand to see me marry what USED to be YOUR husband" Monica added as Brianna shook her head.

"Monica be quiet" I simply said as Monica shook her head "no I've been quiet for too long it's true she's a coward" Monica said

"Monica stop speaking on something you don't know about" Erik warned as I agreed "what? You supposed to be captain save a hoe? Didn't y'all have sex or something?!" Monica asked.

"Who she calling a hoe?!" Brianna's aunt asked sitting up. "I'll beat your ass personally with an extension cord don't play with me little girl" Brianna's aunt warned as her uncle held her aunt back.

"Is that true?" Brianna's uncle asked as I looked at Brianna and she glared at me, we were now in front of the palace because Okoye took us back home so everyone could have space.

"Revenge sex is good when it actually works" Monica said as Brianna glared at Monica.

"Is that true?" Her uncle asked again a bit stern as Brianna got out the truck walking away into the palace.

"Hmph I told you" was all Shuri said getting out the truck. I looked at Erik as he went after Brianna. I got up going after her. Once I reached her and Erik, Brianna turned with tears in her eyes her face was already puffy.

"It needed to be said" Monica said coming in as everyone else came through the door "GROWN UPS SIT DOWN IN THE LIVING AREA NOW!" My mother shouted as everyone else did as told. Everyone was sitting as Brianna was standing up with her arms crossed like she was about to leave.

"Sit down" her aunt said through her teeth as Brianna rolled her eyes sitting next to Kaylah and Erik.

"Why are you leaving?!" Brianna's aunt asked Brianna as she shook her head. "Because I'm grown and if that's the decision I make then that's something I'm going to do" she said.

"You need to stay out here you are safer" I said "T'Challa don't tell me what I need, I need to leave that's what I NEED to do" Brianna said.

"Why is she claiming she's getting married to T'Challa, Brianna?!" Brianna's aunt asked her. "She can't even if she wanted too" Brianna said as Monica looked at her "what are you even talking about?!" Monica asked Brianna.

"How if he's still legally married to me?" Brianna asked as Monica looked at me. "And you having sex with Erik?" Brianna's uncle asked as Brianna shrugged "yes I did , so what?" Brianna questioned as I looked between her and Erik.

"I told you!" Monica said to me as I looked at Brianna "before or after you found out about Monica and I?" I asked her.

"That has nothing to do with you or the rest of y'all like I said that's between me and him and it only happened once while home girl sitting over there getting happy" Brianna said as I looked at Erik.

"You talk everyday about how you want her back but it seems like it gets worse and worse everyday you claim you love her but with Monica just like you did Nakia so of course I don't mind treating how she's supposed to be treated" Erik said as I grew angry.

"What did you do?" Brianna's aunt asked me "it's more deeper but he cheated on me and always placed another woman before me and I don't want to deal with it, with that being said I did want to leave and I am going to leave because I don't need stress" Brianna simply said getting up.

"Why you running away?" Monica asked Brianna as Brianna turned "if you a woman why you running away little kids do that" Monica said adding fuel to the fire.

"Chill our Monica you don't even know what you're talking about and yet you talking. T'Challa do something about this chick before I do" Kaylah said getting up with a her pregnant belly but M'Baku made her sit.

"Babygirl this is something you need to face no move to New York or leave for" Brianna's but said as I seen tears fall from Brianna's eyes.

"Fucking weak" Monica mumbled as Erik heard her " Yo watch your mouth" Erik said to Monica as she looked taking back.

"I am not running away I'm moving away before I be even more pissed and someone gets hurt" she simply said.

"Brianna sit down and stop running like she said" Brianna's aunt said. "Y'all want to know so fucking bad why I'm moving?!" Brianna asked "Because last time I was pregnant I dealt with the same shit with him and Nakia stressing myself out about his ass and Nakia and I lost my baby and I'm not doing that this time!" Brianna shouted with tears running down her face.

"You're pregnant?" Brianna's uncle asked as Brianna nodded "with who's child?" Monica asked as Brianna glared at her. "Your "fiancé's" hoe" Brianna said before walking out.

There was along silence until Kaylah spoke.

"Y'all ever realized W'Kabi look like the dude from get out?" Kaylah said to Erik as he got up leaving.

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