The third and final book to the changed series. Brianna's been gone due to certain circumstances and work. T'Challa has another crazy ex who is back in Wakanda before Nakia how would it make Brianna feel? Are there still feelings between Erik and Br...
I was up all night thinking, I might need to let Brianna finally go. I hated this feeling that I was feeling. I felt as if I did all I can do, defeated.
I heard the twins cry as I automatically got up walking into Brianna's room seeing Sereayah and Erik. "Put them down" I stated as Sereayah smirked.
"Where's Brianna?" I asked walking into the room. "Y'all two both got me fucked up put them down" I heard Brianna behind me with a bottle of water in her hands.
"You really thought I wasn't going to take your spot?" Sereayah asked Brianna "put them down and we can talk" she said as I looked at Erik "I just had a man who was gullible enough to help me" Sereayah said as Erik placed Nyla down with a smirk.
"Cousin you know those are my girls they have my nose and my lips just let Brianna be" he said.
"No they are not" I said "Sereayah whatever you want you can have just put Nyasiaback in her crib" Brianna said.
Sereayah places Nyasia down and smirked at us. "Did you really think I was trying to be a family you took everything away from me, and now I want your kids and your husband" Sereayah said smirking at me at the last part.
"Bitch I will fucking end you don't talk about my family" Brianna said about to walk up to Sereayah but I blocked her.
"No let her and she'll die just like her mother and her aunt is doing right now" Sereayah said in a laugh as Brianna looked at her "what do you mean dying?!" I asked.
"She needs to check what's in her cup it could be very harmful for her, a slow painful death that you have to watch" Sereayah explained eyeing Brianna.
Brianna tried running out the room only to be blocked by Erik. Sereayah and Erik both changed into their suit. Brianna backed up into my back.
"It's too fucking early for this" Brianna murmured "I agree" I stated. "Let's get it over and done with then" Erik said and started charging towards Brianna as we both commanded our suits to come on.
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Sereayah charged at me as I ducked and punched her in the stomach. Her and Erik switched sides as she was now fighting Brianna and Erik was in my face.
"Erik you better stand down" I stated "nah she was my one happiness and you took that shit away" he said charging towards me as we started punching each other. I ducked and kicked his legs watching him fall onto the ground.
I jumped back up immediately and turned seeing Brianna kick Sereayah in the chest sending her flying into the wall. "Get the twins!" I stated as she ran and got them out the crib.
"Put them somewhere safe and you stay put with them I got these two get your aunt to Shuri " I said as Brianna looked at me. "I can't leave you fighting them" she said as I looked at them start to get up "go!" I stated as she walked out.