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It was 9 a.m and I was trying to finish packing because last night I ain't pack shit I went straight to bed. I went into the bathroom doing my regular routine curled my hair and got dressed.

I went down stairs with my things as a Dora Milaje member took it from me setting it by the door

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I went down stairs with my things as a Dora Milaje member took it from me setting it by the door. I was walking to say good bye to everyone in the garden but then I stopped mid walk feeling a strong contraction.

I groaned and squated holding onto my stomach. Tears started coming from my eyes as Okoye and T'Challa started making their way towards me.

I stood back up slowly I've never experienced a contraction like that and I was kind of scared

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I stood back up slowly I've never experienced a contraction like that and I was kind of scared. The contractions was still going as tears fell from my eyes but I hurried and wiped them as T'Challa came up to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked trying to wrap his arms around me but I stepped back. "Yeah I'm fine I just wanted to say bye to everyone" I said as I gained a stronger contraction and I clutched onto my belly.

"You sure you are fine?" He asked as I nodded "yeah the twins are just up" I said walking around him saying bye to everyone trying to pull through these contractions.

Then I walked back to T'Challa and Okoye placing on a fake smile looking at Okoye. "See you soon" she said hugging me as I hugged back.

"Okoye can you give us a moment?" T'Challa asked as Okoye gave a nod and walked off. I looked at him.

"Something is bothering you what is it?" He asked as I sighed "nothing I love you I'll see you later" I hurried and walking away as I stopped realizing what I just said then I gained another contraction with the girls kicking.

I clutched my stomach and felt T'Challa's Hands bringing me into a hug as I cried into his chest. "I love you too" he said as I felt water trickle down my legs and onto the ground as I looked down and T'Challa looked down.

"Ouch!" I groaned holding onto my stomach as he picked me up taking me straight to Shuri. I groaned and squeezed his arms the whole way to the lab.
-7 hours later-

T'Challa was holding Nyasia while I was holding Nyla and they were the cutest things ever next to my older two.

Nyasia been with T'Challa since she came out as Nyla been with me since she came out. And when I had to feed one we would switch they were so beautiful.

I could tell Nyasia was going to be the good one and follow after her father and Nyla was going to be our little trouble
Maker. Zariya was pretty much a good child, Azari was iffy but Nyla I feel is going to be the one in fights and I feel bad for the girl she gets into with because if she got my temper and my powers sheeshh....

We placed them in the bassinet together and they immediately stuck together and it was the cutest thing.

We placed them in the bassinet together and they immediately stuck together and it was the cutest thing

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Nyasia was older by 20 minutes so Nyla is considered the baby. My back was against the head board of the bed as T'Challa was sitting on the couch that was in the guest room that I was currently in just looking at me.

"What?" I asked "come back" he said as I sighed "T'Challa I'm here" I stated as he got up and sat on the bed by me. "No stay" he said grabbing my hand as I looked away.

"I can't stay and you know that" I said "no you just won't stay" I stated as I sighed "I don't feel like fighting anymore T'Challa, I'm throwing in the towel I honestly have no more energy to fight anymore" I said looking down.

"We did good for as long as we've been together but now I don't know I'm just tired" I stated and got up off the bed.

"I'm good for the night you should probably go to bed" I said opening the door for him. "So we are just going to give up like that?" He asked as I looked up.

"T'Challa please I just pushed out two of our babies be happy about that right now leave this situation we got alone for right now, I told you how I felt I'm tired, I'm tired of being lied to, cheated on neglected T'Challa I'm over it that's why I'm saying what I'm saying" I explained as he got up.

"No we need to now, we say we are going to talk and never talk this is our problem now we do not come to each other and talk we argue if you felt neglected you should have told me, if you felt uncomfortable you should have told me" he said.

"That's the thing T'Challa you do not care sometimes being friendly ain't always it, they take it and twist it be cordial yes but you are friendly" I explained.

"Because I am king that is what I need to act like, I cannot not help someone in need because you feel I'm being friendly"
He said.

"T'Challa no you let females do and say what they want to you in front of me and you do not say anything, they disrespect me in my face and you don't care I've been  dealing with that since we were first dating and maybe that was bad on my part because I was so in love and so quick to say "I do" that I didn't even realize that you do not even care" I said as tears came from my eyes and I hurried and wiped them away.

"Brianna I do care" he said "yes now that I'm ready to walk away that's when everything starts to matter but when Im crying out to you nothing is being done, do you realize I stress and think so much about us that I can go several days with out eating because I'm hurt or thinking about how I can fix us?" I questioned as he sighed.

"Brianna I am sorry" he said "yeah I know.... now that I am walking away, I love you T'Challa but you only look out for me when there's a man threatening to you and I get it but when woman come you expect me to cordial while you let them do anything" I explained

"If a man ever said what that girl said to you in that store to me I would have went off on him because you are mine and that's disrespectful king or not I'm your wife" I said

"So like Erik?" He asked as I looked at him "What?" I asked "nothing Brianna" he said as I sighed. "Goodnight T'Challa" I simply said as he was about to walk out but turned.

"All of this Brianna,Then why get the tattoo?" He asked referring to our matching ring finger tattoo then walked away.

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