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Brianna and I were getting ready for the dinner/ceremony for "man of the year"
I finished getting dressed as I stood in the living area spraying cologne on my body waiting for Brianna.

Brianna and I were getting ready for the dinner/ceremony for "man of the year"I finished getting dressed as I stood in the living area spraying cologne on my body waiting for Brianna

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She took up the whole bedroom to get ready and locked me out for me to get ready in the other bedroom of the hotel room we were staying in. I was now waiting on her just sitting there texting Shuri and checking on the kids.

"You ready?" I heard Brianna say as i looked up and standing up instantly as she looked beautiful as ever.

Her natural hair was out and straight down to almost her lower back

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Her natural hair was out and straight down to almost her lower back.

"You look beautiful, even though you look beautiful all the time, jus-" I rambled on and on trying to find the right words but I felt Brianna place her finger on my lips.

"Your mother picked it out and thank you" she said in a giggle as I smiled. I linked my arm with hers and we walked out the door. We were standing in the elevator and I guess Brianna noticed I was a bit nervous because I hate losing.

She rubbed my hand some then
Looked at me. "Just relax you'll be fine" she said before hugging me some. I looked over at her then smiled as we walked out the elevator to a car with a chauffeur waiting on the outside.

"Good evening Mr. and Mrs Udaku" he said opening the door as I helped Brianna into the car first then got in next to her.

I could not take my eyes off her she looked so beautiful. "Is there a problem because you keep staring at me " she said as I chuckled.

"You just look beautiful" I stated as she blushed showing her dimples. Then she grabbed me softly by the collar of my shirt "I can't wait to get back to the hotel" she whispered as I smirked.

"You are so dangerous" i said as She giggled. "When you have the babies will you be having your tubes tied?" I asked as she nodded.

I smirked and clasped my hands together rubbing them as she giggled. "That doesn't mean that" she stated rolling her eyes playfully as I helped her out the car going into the

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