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I was in the kitchen getting something to drink as I started praying and talking to the lord because I ain't want them or one of them to possibly be Erik's and on top of that I ain't want T'Challa to leave me this was on some real shit I'm two kids deep already with him and I love him.

I was standing in the quiet kitchen humming and rubbing my belly til I looked up seeing Erik. I sighed "why you up?" He asked "to get something to drink why you up?" He asked "I can't go to sleep" he simply said as I nodded.

"Yeah but goodnight" I said trying to walk away but he grabbed my hand and I took it from him. "I know we have closure about you and I but you don't have to ignore me" he stated as I sighed.

"It doesn't feel like closure, you keep saying little slick comments to T'Challa and what me and you USED to be and I don't appreciate that. If you really loved and cared for me you would just let me be like dead ass" I said as he nodded.

"Aight I'll leave you alone" he said as I sighed "I'm not saying don't talk to me I'm just saying respect my marriage" I said.

"Brianna you really don't understand how hard this is, you've been with me and I promised that I would marry you and now my cousin have you and has kids with you, everything i want with you, you don't understand how that feels at all" he expressed.

"Who's fault was it?" I simply asked as he just nodded "whatever" he stated as I sighed and it went quiet. "I'm sorry he was the man I could never be" he stated as I looked at him and shook my head.

"Why do you insist on trying to make me be with you again?" I questioned. "You're my babygirl" he stared as tears came from my eyes he was so stuck on me he couldn't even see other girls and it was sad because I'm holding his life back from loving another girl.

"Erik I'll talk and see you in the morning" I stated trying to walk away but he grabbed my hand trying to kiss my lips as I didn't kiss back instead I moved my head.

"Erik you and I both know I need to stay away from you so why can't I breathe and you let me be?" I asked "I love you" he stated as I shook my head.

"All I have to say is respect my marriage" I said walking away and going upstairs I sighed I needed a vacation by myself to get my thoughts together.

I sat outside on the stairs of the palace just letting the light wind hit me. Tears started coming from my eyes as I wiped them and looked at the stars.

I felt so bad for even having a little fling with Erik but I couldn't get it out my mind, I couldn't get this pregnancy thing out my mind, I couldn't get T'Challa leaving me out my head on top of that I had to be a queen.

At this moment I ain't deserve to be one I feel like I did more dirt than T'Challa. I was so damn frustrated I ain't even know someone tapped my shoulder.

I looked up and turned seeing Erik as I wiped my tears and sat next to me. "What's wrong?" He asked as I shook my head and cried.

"Somethings obviously wrong if your crying" he said willing my tears as I looked down.

"These babied could go either way it could be yours or T'Challa's and T'Challa was kind of saying if they aren't his then he don't think he could be with me." I explained

"Don't cry just go to bed I doubt those babies are even mine but if they are you know I'm always here for you" he stated as I nodded.

I got up walking back inside going upstairs and slipping back in bed next to T'Challa. He turned facing me as i smiled and kissed his lips. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my body.

"You okay?" He asked in a deep husky voice as I smiled trying to hold back the tears. "Yeah I'm just ready for Nyla and Nyasia to get here." I said smiling as he kissed my lips.

"I love you" I said as T'Challa chuckled "I love you too, are you okay?" He asked as I nodded "yes baby don't worry about me and we shouldn't have no more problems out of Erik and his comments" I said.

"You said something?" T'Challa asked "was I not supposed too?" I asked in a slight giggle. "No I just don't care what he says I know that you are mine and everything you two had is not no more so why fight when I already have you?" He asked as I smiled and kissed him.

"But it all about respect for our marriage" I stated "Brianna , Erik is going to be Erik he's going to do him regardless as long as he does not hurt you" T'Challa explained.

I smiled so big this was why I love him he cared so much them dumb ass feelings about Erik went out the door when T'Challa asked me if I was okay and chuckled.

I placed my leg over his legs and scooted closer as he chuckled then rubbed my belly. "Baby I'm horny" I whined kissing his cheek as hovered over my body.

He kissed my lips as I touched his face kissing back. He then lifted my silk gown up and sliding automatically in. I gripped his back and bit my lip trying not to moan.

He groaned as I moaned squirming then feeling kisses on my neck. "K-keep going" I moaned out feeling him thrusting deeper and deeper.

He started rubbing my pearl as he thrusted and a loud squeal left my mouth. "I love you!" I moaned out as he chuckled and kissed my lips. "I love you too" T'Challa said in my ear before kissing my neck.

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