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*Listen to the song if you never heard it but you should've it would help you understand further into the book*


My hand was around her throat as I kissed her lips and she whined pulling away. "I can't I'm pregnant" she said as I chuckled grabbing her waist. "Never stopped you before, three months is a while for you" I said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked "you didn't have me in you for three months" I said as she rolled her eyes "and I'm fine with that, I'm sure you had some in those three months too" she said walking pass me out the bathroom.

I watched her pack some of her things up "where are you going?" I asked "to Hell if I don't pray" she smartly said as I sat her on the bed then spread her legs open pulling her underwear down.

She tried getting out my grip as I licked my lips holding her down and she looked down at me. "T'Challa Move" She said as I attached my lips and started feasting.

She automatically placed her hand on the back of my head moaning. "I-I cannot stand you" she moaned as I sucked on her pearl hearing her squeal.

She laid down as I wrapped her legs around my neck going deeper. "Mmm shit" she cursed as I kept swirling my tongue.

I stuck a finger in as she moaned louder. I flicked my tongue at a fast pace on her pearl hearing her whine and tugged at the sheets. "T'Challa get up" she managed to get out through her moans but I continued going deep.

She let out a loud moan before her juices flowed out into my mouth. She pushed my head away as I licked my lips.

"Goodnight T'Challa" she said fixing herself as I tried to kiss her but she moved her head.

I woke up once again to an empty spot next to me on the bed where Brianna used to be. I started getting ready for the baby shower I did not feel like dressing up or wearing the usual uniform so once I got out the shower I wore simply jeans shirt and a jean jacket.

I did the rest of my morning routine before going downstairs saying good morning to everyone and eating Brianna didn't even come down for breakfast. I wanted to see what was wrong but I knew she did not want anything to do with me.

I went to shuri's lab and started talking to her about our mothers birthday. "I think we should throw her a party" Shuri stated smiling. "With friends and family or all of Wakanda?" I asked "friends and family" she stated.

"But our mother doesn't have any friends" I brought up as Shuri laughed "neither do you" she stated as I chuckled.

"You okay brother?" She asked as I nodded and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Just thinking about some things" I stated as she looked at me in all seriousness.

"What's wrong?" She asked as I shook my head "Brianna is so stubborn" I said as she laughed and I cracked a smile "that's what makes her a good Queen" Shuri added before walking away going to do something as I followed.

"I'm talking about us she doesn't try and listen to what I got to say" I stated "neither do you , you both are you didn't listen to her when you kept cheating on her and now she's not listening to you because she feels you are lying" she explained as I sighed.

"I don't know what to do to get her back" I said as Shuri rubbed my back. "Do What baba did when he made mama upset" Shuri said as I looked at her confused.

"Remember she told us he sung for her" Shuri said as I looked at her plainly. "She did not take him because of that she liked him embarrassing himself" I said.

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