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Erik and I were in the waiting area of the doctors office and I was kind of nervous. I was shaking my leg as Erik placed his hand on my leg.

"Everything will be fine babygirl" he said as I nodded placing my head on his shoulder.

"How did everything go with the kids and your aunt and uncle?" Erik asked "my uncle and aunt basically said do what I feel is best for me and my baby." I explained as he nodded.

"The kids understood and basically was just worried about me not seeing them but I'll always be there for them" I said as the nurse called my name and we got up going in the back they took all my vitals and information and then was in the room waiting for the doctor.

I was on the table freaking out some and I guess Erik realized and he got up kissing my head "relax babygirl everything is going to be fine" he said as a tear came from my eye.

"Just calm down and relax" Erik said rubbing my thighs and kissing my head. The doctor came in smiling as me and Erik smiled back.

"I'm assuming you are the father?" She questioned as I looked at Erik as he shook his head smiling "no I'm here for her" he said back as the doctor smiled.

"Well we're about to give you an ultrasound and we will see what's going on" the doctor explained as I lifted my shirt up and squeezed the clear cold gel onto my stomach.

She started rubbing around as the monitor was on my belly. "You said you've seen blood?" The doctor asked as I nodded. "Yes" she said as she kept moving the monitor over my stomach staring at the screen.

We didn't hear anything not even a heartbeat. I just sighed placing my hand on my face.

"I'm sorry-" the doctor started off turning the monitor off and wiping my stomach down as "it's okay" I said as she walked out the room.

I sat on the examination table as tears came from my eyes. "Babygirl" Erik said hugging me as I cried hard into his chest. All he could do was rub my back and hold me.

I fucking lost another baby, maybe I wasn't meant to have anymore kids. Maybe it was for the best since T'Challa and I are splitting up.

I felt the urge to throw up as I jumped off the table throwing up in the small garbage pale feeling Erik hold my hair.

After I finished throwing up I cleaned myself up and Erik brought me back home.

"Get some rest and I'll make you some dinner" Erik said placing me in the bed throwing then covers over my body and placing a kiss on my head.

He walked out the room closing the door as I turned on my side silently crying to myself.

I called Kaylah as she answered


M'Baku was rubbing and kissing my stomach as I laid on the bed touching his hair, talking to him as I got an incoming call from Brianna.

"Hey Bri what's up?" I asked smiling until I heard her sniffle. "What's wrong?" I asked sitting up as M'Baku looked at me in seriousness.

"I-I lost the baby" she said as I placed my head in my hands hearing her cry was making me cry. "Are you sure? Doctors make mistakes all the time" I said as she sniffled.

"Kaylah I didn't even hear a heart beat there was blood in my panties this morning" she said crying as I cried.

"Babygirl do you want me to tell them?" I asked "at this point I really don't care anymore there isn't a real reason leave for Atlanta" she said crying.

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