The third and final book to the changed series. Brianna's been gone due to certain circumstances and work. T'Challa has another crazy ex who is back in Wakanda before Nakia how would it make Brianna feel? Are there still feelings between Erik and Br...
"I love the man I fell in love with, me and whoever this person is don't fuck with each other and that's simple" I stated.
"So what are we going to do?" He asked as I shrugged "I know what I'm doing you can continue with whatever you're doing because I'm done you got a whole woman pregnant and questioned if you were going to stay with me if one of these babies were Erik's" I stated going off.
"Well there's a possibili-" I cut him off "they are both yours, stop acting stupid the pussy was that good you acting slow?" I asked.
"I have been letting you talk and talk to me how ever you felt like since you walked in here tone it down watch who you talking to!" He stated as I was a little taken back.
"Nah fuck all that, you mad because I'm stating fucking facts and who the fuck going to tone me down?" I asked then rolled my eyes.
"Like I said your family wants you downstairs" I stated "keep on Brianna" he warned as i rolled my eyes "yeah aight we need to sign them papers while I'm here too" I stated before walking out and going downstairs.
I sat back down in the living room with everyone as they all looked at me. "He should be down in a minute" I stated as there was a silence it was so silent we heard T'Challa's room door close upstairs.
He downstairs and gave me the coldest mother fucking glare
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"yo what's the issue?" I asked. automatically standing up holding my hands in front of me. "You two sit down" my aunt stated as we just glared at each other.
"Whats the issue?" He asked me as I happily took off my hoops "whats the deal?" I asked about to start walking up to him til Kaylah grabbed me.
"Sit down both of you!" Romonda shouted as we sat down slowly. "I don't know what the fucking deal is but tomorrow I don't want to see this." My aunt said.
"I really have to go to that?" I asked "yes!" Everyone said "no let her leave" T'Challa said as I looked at him. "Yeah because what the king says does go" I added smiling.
"No enjoy your stay, dinner will be done in a couple of hours try not to kill each other." My aunt said getting up as everyone was getting up to leave out the living area besides T'Challa and I.
"I advise you two to see someone right away because this is not right and is not how a marriage is supposed to go" Romonda lectured before walking out the living room them T'Challa and I started glaring at each other.
I soon got up feeling a pillow being thrown at my head. I turned and threw it back then shocked him as he gripped my arms pushing me back.
"Keep fucking with me I promise you won't make it to your next birthday" I threatened.
"Okay whatever" he stated getting up and trying to bump my shoulder walking pass me but instead I pushed his ass back onto the couch and walked away, he got me fucked up.
"Let's stop being childish and let's talk about some papers" I stated "I am not signing none because you are equally responsible for why our relationship is where it's at" he stated.
"Okay explain" I stated "you hung out with Erik almost everyday and every time you speculated that I cheated on you, you went and cheated on me with him" he explained.
"Oh that's cute, you mad because I did what you did to me, Monica came you spent hella time with her and you let her get in your ear about me and Erik, you got mad at me and fucked her even proposed to her so don't do that" I stated.
"It does not matter for what reason does he know what you taste like and how you feel?" T'Challa asked "what you mean it doesn't matter? Why the fuck all of Wakanda riding your dick besides me?" I asked.
" in fact how home girl doing she about to be due in a couple of months, y'all ready for the baby?" I asked being petty.
"It is not my baby" he stated as I nodded "mmm that sucks how did you find out?" I asked "I never had sex with her , she was pregnant before I just offered her some money and helped her out because she's struggling" he started off.
"But you being you and over exaggerating about the situation you left not giving me real time to explain." He stated.
"If that's the case why you responded the way you did when I tried to kiss you and why she ask you that dumb ass question and the biggest question is where the fuck was your ring because you throw a fit when I forget to put mine on" I stated being petty as we just looked at each other.
"Exactly my point I've been working with you but it don't seem like I'm wanted so why not walk away?" I asked "because you are my wife we are not supposed to walk away from each other we need to work it out and I am not fighting about it" he stated about to get up.
"I wasn't your wife when you were sleeping with other girls so why call me that now? Ain't nothing to talk about ain't nothing to work on, I'm done like I said end of the story"
I stated getting up "what are you going to tell our daughters?" He asked "what you mean? They hear everything straight from the womb everything you're doing to me you better hope don't happen to them and they come home crying because that's going to hurt you so bad" I explained.
"What's even worse is that I'm trying to sit here and work it out and you don't want to talk it out then they wonder why the family is not together" he stated as I laughed not saying anything and got up.
"Brianna let me at least take you out to dinner" he stated as I rolled my eyes "we're having a family dinner now if you want to take me somewhere after that I guess I'll go" I stated walking away.
It was a quiet family dinner and there was a lot of tension between T'Challa and I but I ain't give a fuck he brought this on himself.
We both got up from the table and I went upstairs changing into some stretchy shorts and a tank top as my tattoos showed I was about to hop into the bed until there was a knock.
I opened the door looking up at T'Challa. "Yeah?" I asked "you ready?" He asked "yeah" I lied sliding on some flip flops grabbing my phone.
I went downstairs following him as my aunt called me. "Brianna!" I heard as I turned "yes!" I said as T'Challa and I turned "use protection!" She yelled "wow" I stated as T'Challa chuckled "auntie you use protection!" I yelled back before walking out the door.
We got in the car as it was quiet I grew more and more irritated every second. "Where the hell are we going?!" I asked as he dead ass pulled over and stopped the car got out his seat belt and grabbed my neck having a little grip.
"I warned you earlier, watch how you talk to me, you've been talking your shit all day and having an attitude all day tone that shit down" he stated as I bit my lip some watching him place his hands back on the steering wheel and start driving....