The third and final book to the changed series. Brianna's been gone due to certain circumstances and work. T'Challa has another crazy ex who is back in Wakanda before Nakia how would it make Brianna feel? Are there still feelings between Erik and Br...
I got dressed as T'Challa and I were getting ready to meet tony to talk about some things.
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My hair was in tight curls everywhere . I had silver medium sized hoops in my ear. I sprayed some perfume on then went to go see if the kids were ready to go since they were tagging along only because I ain't trust Zariya right now.
I then went back in the room T'Challa and I share seeing him dressed looking all types if fine.
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"You look cute skinny legs" I teased as he chuckled spraying cologne on "you look beauty short legs" he said as I smacked my lips then smiled.
"Can I have som-" I started off as he cut me straight off "no" he said as I frowned "you don't even know what I was about to say" I stated as he chuckled.
"Something from McDonald's , no" he said as I whined "it wasn't even that I was going to let you know I was driving to McDonald's real quick before we left" I explained as he chuckled.
"No brianna breakfast is waiting for you downstairs besides you can barely drive" he stated as I hit the back of his neck making him jump then he turned hitting me on my arm. I hit him on back playfully when he turned them ran towards the door laughing as he tried to pick me up but I hit him running out the room downstairs.
"You are not fastest than me especially with heels!" He yelled coming after me as I giggled hiding in the kitchen after getting a piece of ice.
"I know you are in here getting some food" he said as I popped out my hiding spot. "What's that's supposed to mean?!" I asked as he chuckled coming up to me holding me by my waist.
"I was just playing my queen" he asked kissing my lips as I slipped a piece of ice down his back making him squirm then I hit him running out the kitchen laughing as the cooks looked at us.
I ran out into the garden where everybody was waiting on breakfast. "Good-" I started off till I heard T'Challa voice boom.
"Brianna!" He shouted as I giggled running into the garden filled with rose bushes, statues, trees and different kind of flowers.
I hid behind one "I will find you" he said as I covered my mouth from laughing I closed my eyes shut and once they opened he appeared in front of me.
I smacked my lips as he smirked bringing me to his chest. "You know I always win" he bragged as I smacked my lips feeling my feet not on the ground.
He kissed my lips as I didn't kiss back but he started tickling me as I gripped onto his jacket trying not to laugh but I burst out into laughter.
"Keep being mean you can also be taken down right here" he said as I playfully rolled my eyes. "No you can't" I simply said as he gripped my butt making me moan and bite my lip.
"Want go find out?" He asked as I got out of his arms and pecked his lips "no because I can't have any cookies remember?" I asked before I walked away.
I sat at the table "ugh when is the honeymoon stage going to end?" Erik asked as I rolled my eyes "Hell when is yours going to start?" Kaylah asked as I giggled. "Right don't you and my sister talk?" I asked.
"No and besides she's not you" he said smirking as T'Challa came up behind him hitting the back of Erik's head as I giggled.
"You just keep shooting your shot" Kaylah said shaking her head giggling as I giggled "yes and he keep missing" T'Challa added as I laughed.
"You laughing and I was the first to take a shot and succeed" Erik said as my smile dropped. "Before twenty does not count because we were young and stupid" I explained.
"You just be missing shots" Kaylah added as the whole table laughed. "Yes forever you will miss because I plan on being with her forever" T'Challa said as I looked at him in awe.
"Ugh you two need to end the honeymoon stage" Erik stated again as he playfully rolled his eyes. "Besides what we naming the girls?" He asked as I giggled shaking my head and T'Challa just looked up at Erik from his plate staring.
I ate and ate and ate then T'Challa and I headed to New York. We headed to Stark's tower as all the avengers were just joking and having a good time at his place.
I let T'Challa run off with the boys bad Natasha and I were talking. "So how's my God Daughters?" She asked as I smiled rubbing my belly. "They're fine and very active" I said as she laughed.
"But how's everything between you and T'Challa I know you two were going through some things" she asked as I nodded.
"Yeah we're okay we squashed everything got things off our chest and trying to move on" I explained. "Good he seems happy with you and about the babies" Natasha added as I smiled and nodded looking at T'Challa as he was laughing with the boys drinking.
"Yeah but his cousin is my ex and I can't shake him off" I said looking at her. "Just don't entertain him he should've entertained you while you were together but he didn't now you moved on and found happiness" she explained as I agreed.
"Anymore babies after this " she asked as I shook my head "no more shop is closed-" I was cut off by her smirk. "What?" I asked "just for all of Wakanda to hear you?" She asked as I laughed.
"So for your baby shower we want to give you a baby shower that brings you back home to the Bronx" Natasha said as I smiled and she showed me ideas but I wasn't really feeling a baby shower this go round it was too much planning and it seems like every time I have a baby shower my kids are born a day after or on that day if the baby shower and T'Challa always jinxes it.
"You don't have to throw one I'm fine" I said smiling "you sure?" She asked as I nodded "yeah plus I know y'all schedules and T'Challa's schedules are always full so you don't have to throw me one" I explained smiling.
T'Challa walked towards us and kissed my head "tell your wife she needs a baby shower" Natasha said "you don't want one?" T'Challa asked as I shook my head. "I just want cake and cookies" I said as T'Challa chuckled kissing my head. ____________________________
How y'all feel about Erik And what he was joking about with Brianna?
"How y'all feel about Brianna not having a baby shower
Do y'all think T'Challa will mess up again with Brianna?
"Throw in some ideas for this book so I can fulfill y'all reading experience also Baby names will be in the next chapter.....-Dajah😘