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Today was the day Brianna and I was going to end everything I was so upset I did not step foot out the room all day. Monica was at the door almost every thirty minutes to check on me and try to persuade me to leave the room but I did not.

"My king she is here" I heard Okoye as I opened the door leaving out the room. I started walking downstairs as I seen Brianna standing at the door with her purse in her hands.

I walked up to her as she just looked down  I know she did not want it either but she still wanted to separate.

"Good morning Brianna" Monica said cheerfully to Brianna as Brianna and I just looked at each other and she rolled her eyes walking away.

I walked behind her into the throne room closing the door as it was just us waiting for the elders.

There was a complete silence as Brianna turned and looked at me. "Brianna do you really want to do this?" I asked walking up to her as she looked up at me.

"No but I know I need to do it" she said as I sighed "Brianna I love you" I expressed  "if you really loved me Monica wouldn't still be here and even though I called you another man's name the man that "loves me" should've never slept with another woman on top of that bring up divorce" she explained before she was about to walk away i grabbed her waist.

"What T'Challa?" She asked "can I make love to you one last time?" He asked as I shook my head. "The elders will be in here at anytime an-" she started off as I kissed her lips and picking her up sitting on the throne as I continued kissing her lips then trailed back to her neck.

I started gripping her butt as she "T'Challa no" she said getting from on top of me. She stood in front of me with her head down pinching the bridge of her nose.

"We got to stop, sex doesn't change anything we'll be right back to arguing later on about Monica the fact she knows we're doing this all because of her is making her happy that's why I said get rid of her" she explained.

"T'Challa I'll just come back tomorrow To discuss what we're doing with the kids and explain what's going on, I think it's pretty clear that I want to separate and you're king so technically you can do that yourself" she explained grabbing her purse and walking out As I sat there with my face in my hands.

I am upset over a woman when I have other things to do and worry about like a new queen now. If she wants to separate that is exactly what we are going to do.


Kaylah and I were talking as I was unlocking the door to Erik's house. "So you two are like room mates?" She questioned as we walked in but I wasn't paying attention "Yeah I guess" I said as I seen Kaylah smile big.

"What?" I asked and looked ahead

"Wait who's is this?" I asked laughing some "it's yours babygirl" I heard Erik coming downstairs

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"Wait who's is this?" I asked laughing some "it's yours babygirl" I heard Erik coming downstairs. "For what it's not my birthday" I said looking at everything.

"No but you will start showing soon so I thought I get you some loose fitting tops" he said as I smiled "yeah but I could've bought it you didn't have too" I said looking through things and he got way more than just shirts.

"It's okay I got you" he said as I smiled "thank you Erik" I said hugging him "awwwwwww!!" Kaylah dragged out being loud but sarcastic as we turned and looked at her.

"You just mad because M'Baku ain't doing this for you" I playfully teased sticking my tongue out "ay at least I'm getting on the regular" she said sticking her tongue out at me as I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Any cravings get?" Erik asked "I'm not even a week yet y'all need to chill" I said giggling and gathering some of the clothes to take upstairs.

"I'll help you" Kaylah said helping me as we went upstairs into my room "mmm that was nice what he did" Kaylah started off as I smiled "yeah" I said putting up the things he bought.

"You're feeling him Brianna" Kaylah said as I shook my head "no Erik and I are just friends we discussed that I was even going to make him the godfather of my child" I explained.

"Mmmmm no you're feeling him I can tell" Kaylah said "how?!" I questioned "you've been feeling him before you left, when T'Challa was giving Nakia all the attention and sleeping with her, Erik was with you and he ate you out and let's be real if you really ain't liked it you would've fried his ass" Kaylah explained.

"No but I also told him we couldn't do it if we wanted to because they went from being the kids cousin to their step father so even if I wanted-" I started off as Kaylah cut me off.

"Which you do" she said interrupted as I rolled my eyes.

"If I wanted it I still couldn't do it" I said "no but in all actuality who did you know first, who did you fuck first and technically got pregnant by them first?" Kaylah asked as I shook my head.

"Yeah but I married T'Challa and actually had two kids from him I can't do that" I said.

"I love you best friend but I don't get why you're worried about how everyone else feels especially how T'Challa feels, he wasn't worried when he slept with Nakia and Monica and obviously he still ain't worried because Monica is still there" Kaylah explained and had a point.

"No kaylah besides I have two kids already and one on the way Erik isn't going to want that" I said.

"You stupid as hell then" Kaylah stated "but baybeh don't be coming to me telling me y'all fucked because I already know it's bound to happen" she said as I laughed at the way she said baby.

"No I'm pregnant so I'm not having sex" I teased.

"Alright and don't be surprised if the baby kind of look like him when it comes out because you two being in this house together something is going to happen" Kaylah explained as I shook my head.

"You know I don't like Erik like that never ever in my life but You one dumb motherfucka though because I would've smashed all over that " she said sticking her tongue out

"You are so outta pocket" I said laughing

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