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I was getting ready to go to the palace after Erik left. I was feeling a bit nauseous but it was whatever I've been feeling nauseous forever but I got in the shower washing up then got out brushing my teeth putting on lotion and getting dressed.

Today I was going to help Zariya with her dance and try to get this whole thing out my mind. I placed on some nike compressed shorts and a sports bra with a jacket over it

I zipped my jacket up leaving my hair straight I was thinking about having my natural hair out for once

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I zipped my jacket up leaving my hair straight I was thinking about having my natural hair out for once.

I always wore it out once in a blue moon only because it was a lot to handle. I placed on my all black Jordan 13's then grabbed my phone and walked out the door.

I got to the car feeling the urge to throw up. I turned throwing up in the grass once I was finished I went back inside brushing my teeth again looking up in the mirror to see my mother and father in the mirror I blinked.

"Turn around" I heard my father say as I turned "Why do you have that on?!" He asked about to start with me as I rolled my eyes.

"Leave her alone she's grown" my mother said winking as I smiled. "Why are you two here?" I asked.

"Why are you not sitting at your throne?" My mother asked. "You know what's going on mom" I said rolling my eyes and washing my mouth out.

"So you just going to let this little bitch run you out your palace?!" She asked as my father looked at my mother.

"I'm sorry" she said as I giggled "what did I tell you before with T'Challa even his father said it what other proof do you need to know that you and him need to be together?" My father asked.

"He wanted to separate so I left, I'm stressed I lost two babies I don't want to talk to him" I said placing on some lipgloss.

"For one he wants you all of this was to get you back T'Challa can't stand to see you with another man, and two you didn't lose your baby and yes T'Challa is the father" my mother stated.

"I d-didn't lose it?" I asked as she shook her head. "Do I need to turn Erik bad in order for you to go to your husband?" My father asked.

"Get rid of Monica that will be perfect" I simply said smiling. "You and T'Challa need to stop playing this is not the moment to be arguing Zariya will be 16 in a couple of months and your sister will be back you two need each other" My father said.

"Alright alright I'll talk to him" I said as my mother shook her head " Brianna if you love your kids you will work it out with T'Challa" my mother said.

"How if all he wants when we talk is sex?" I asked "he misses you that's how he expresses it, you should know this by now" my mother said.

"Whatever" I mumbled "he's a king you are a queen not only that a goddess start acting like one, do something else with Erik and I won't have no choice but to turn him back into what he used to" my father said.

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