I sat in my house crying, mad as hell. Monica really tried me and T'Challa just sat there. I was going to disrespect the hell out of her but I didn't because I'm trying to be the better person and turn away also I got other shit to worry about them Monica.
My doorbell rung as I was sitting on the couch just staring at the blank tv thinking. I got up going to the door seeing Erik.
"Are you okay babygirl?" He asked taking me into a hug as I broke down in his chest. "Babygirl I'm sorry I never meant to come between you and T'Challa" Erik said as I looked at him.
"It's not your fault I agreed to it, this between T'Challa and I has started way before you was back in the picture, and I-I kind of enjoyed it" I said looking down then looked up at him. "How are you feeling?" Erik asked
"I don't want to be here anymore I want to leave the only reason why I am even still here is because I love my kids and I think they're safer here." I started off.
"I don't want to have another miscarriage due to stress so I want to leave before it happens because If I lose this one I-I don't know" I said placing my head in my hands.
"I do agree with T'Challa keeping you here and keeping you safe but if it's not healthy for you or the baby then you do need to go" he explained I nodded as Erik just hugged me.
I wrapped my arms around his torso with my face in his chest. "Let's get you something to eat thickems" he said as I smiled and he draped his arms over my shoulder.
We went to get some take out ,came back and ate soon we were in the dark on the couch watching a movie with a big blanket over us. Erik was into the movie as I was just staring at the side of his face.
"Brianna what do you want?" He asked in a slight chuckle. "Nothing" I said looking at the tv as I felt his hand on my thigh and I looked over at him.
"I wanted to talk to you about something" I said as he nodded "what's up?" He asked turning placing his attention on me.
"I wanted you to go to New York with me but I know you got a-" he cut me off with a kiss "I was thinking more Atlanta, something We ain't never seen before , and something fresh" he said as I smiled and he smiled.
I kissed his lips again "you know where TI at that's where I'm trying to live" he said as I smiled.
"Whatever you say I don't even know how to tell the kids" I said as he rubbed my back "just tell them the truth about being pregnant I'm sure Azari and Zariya will understand" he explained as I nodded.
"You can't leave your family on what you said tonight though, that was out of anger you should at least apologize to your aunt,uncle and Romonda" he explained as I nodded.
"I know it's just T'Challa was making me mad Monica was about to die fucking with me and then my uncle treating me like I'm not grown like I'm seventeen all over again" I said then looked at him.
"He only wants to know" Erik said "and I told him" I said "it's the way you told him but you need to apologize tomorrow" he said as I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my body.
We eventually fell asleep on the couch...
The birds were chirping as the sunlight peeked through the living room window hitting my face as I scrunched my eyebrows waking up some looking at Erik knocked out.
I slowly got up going upstairs to my bathroom starting the shower and taking off my clothes. I took off my clothes to see some blood in my panties.

Changed 3| T'Challa Udaku Story
FanficThe third and final book to the changed series. Brianna's been gone due to certain circumstances and work. T'Challa has another crazy ex who is back in Wakanda before Nakia how would it make Brianna feel? Are there still feelings between Erik and Br...