The third and final book to the changed series. Brianna's been gone due to certain circumstances and work. T'Challa has another crazy ex who is back in Wakanda before Nakia how would it make Brianna feel? Are there still feelings between Erik and Br...
Y'all I love y'all sooo much y'all keep me going fr fr when I don't even feel like doing it anymore I just keep pushing because of comments like what's above. If y'all get a chance read it it's very heart warming and I love it. Thank you❤️💜💯💯🥰🥰🥰🥰 -Dajah
Zariya finally arrived from school crying and running up the marble stairs to her room as T'Challa looked at me.
"Let me go check on her" I said as T'Challa grabbed my hand "no she should have never disrespected you" he said as I agreed.
"Yeah but at the end of the day that's our daughter and she could be suicidal for all we know right now" I explained before going upstairs.
I walked in her room as she was crying hard. "What's wrong?" I asked not feeling no type of remorse only because this is technically what she gets.
"Xavier was with another girl today and he started a rumor that I You know suck-" I cut her off I ain't even want to hear her say she was doing that.
"Well was it a rumor?" I asked as she cried and nodded "the night I had sex with him he stuck it in but I didn't like it so I told him to wait another time" she started off explaining as I cringed so bad.
"I hid him in the closet because we were later on going to try again but it didn't happen" she finished off as I just stared at her with my arms crossed.
"But he love you right?" I asked as Zariya cried "I thou-" I cut her off "you thought, I told your ass but you ain't want to listen it sound like he pressured you into it Zariya and you just went along with the dumb shit" I stated.
"I'm sorry mommy" she said bawling as I just stared at her then soon felt somewhat bad that I didn't comfort her. I walked towards her and hugged her as she cried in my dress.
I rubbed her back, "I went as hard as I did because I don't want you to be like me" I reminded her. "But your life turned out great" She sniffled.
"But before that I was bad doing things I ain't need to be doing, sneaking and having sex with a person I had no business being with" I explained.
"I still got pregnant at a young age but I was getting married to your father and I just want the same for you, someone who actually loves you" I said before kissing head.
"Momma I'm really sorry" she apologized sniffling as I took her into a hug. "Yeah I know but you're still grounded" I said as she nodded holding onto me.
"I know" she said "out of curiosity where does Xavier live?" I asked as she told me and I just smiled "mmm" I hummed "why?" She asked "oh nothing I was just asking" I said smiling.
The black panther and his wife should make a nice appearance at his house late tonight.
"I need to make sure you don't have anything and make sure you are okay" I said kissing her head as my arms were wrapped around her body.
"You are not ready for sex, let your husband take it away not some boy just because he sweet talks you and if you do go have sex make sure you're ready and protected" I explained.
"How about just not do it at all?" We heard T'Challa from the doorway. "T'Challa shut up how about you not do it at all" I said as he walked away from the door.
We went to shuri's lab and got Zariya tested to see if she was pregnant or have an STD.
I started getting cravings for McDonald's cookies. "I'll be back your baba is about to take me to get some cookies." I said as Zariya nodded and continued talking to Shuri.
I was speed walking looking for T'Challa we ended up bumping into each other but of course I fell. "Damn, Built big body ass" I said as he chuckled helping me up and wrapping his arms around my waist holding me close.
"What is wrong I know you were looking for me" he said as I blushed and he kissed my cheek.
"We're going to give Xavier a surprise visit" I said smirking. "Why do you have that face?" He asked as I smirked "I'm glad you asked" I stated trying to get out his arms but he wasn't budging.
"Where's your shirt at?" I questioned a bit curious
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Y'all probably like why this bitch keep using this picture but sisssss he looks fine asf in this pic🤪🤪🤪❤️❤️❤️❤️- Dajah
"I got hot while working out" he said smiling innocently. "Ewwww and you funky" I said as he chuckled and kissed all over my face making me giggle.
"Why are we going to Xavier's house to scare him?" T'Challa asked "because he pressured our baby into having sex and started a rumor about her" I explained.
"A couple of hours ago you wanted to beat her" T'Challa brought up "you worried about the wrong thing, she never really had sex with him because she said it hurt and she stopped she was going to try again because he kept bugging her about it and she wasn't feeling it but was going to try it again now she got caught and he ain't get his way he started a rumor about her in school" I explained.
"So what we going to do?" T'Challa asked "We going to fuck him up" I said as he laughed. "Black panther and storm about to fuck his little ass up" I stated making T'Challa chuckle while covering my mouth.
"Stop with the reckless mouth" he chuckled as I nodded. "No but for real, can I give you some head?" I asked as T'Challa chuckled.
"I was about to ask you the same thing" he stated as I rapped my arms around his neck and jumped on him wrapping my legs around him.
He carried me upstairs as I kissed his neck. "You two can go with General Okoye" he said to the two Dora Milaje outside the room as they nodded and went on downstairs. He closed the double doors with his foot.