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I walked into the house as Erik came with no shirt on taking the suitcase from me. I looked at his body "you okay?" He asked as I nodded "yeah" I stated darting upstairs to my bedroom closing the door.

At this point I don't even know who to pray to.

I got on my knees and started praying
"God, Bast........Allah whoever man I know I got a reckless mouth but please, please don't let the devil lead me into temptation you've seen what I just went through with T'Challa and now I'm hot and bothered please don't let Erik bother me further, um in Jesus, Brianna and Muhammad's name Amen!" I said as I automatically felt a heart beat tingling feeling as I whined.

"Yo What did I do?!" I asked frustrated as there was a knock on the door. I swung the door open. "What?!" I asked a bit bothered as he gave me a look.

"Your suit case" he said as I opened the door wider taking it from him and shutting the door really fast.

"Really Brianna that could've been my toe" he said as I giggled sitting the suitcase on the bed trying to unpack. There was another knock.

"Ugh Erik not Now" I said "what's up with you?" He asked through the door. "Um nothing why?" I asked "you ran upstairs so fast I ain't even get to talk to you" he said through the door as I then opened it seeing him leaning against the doorway.

" I'm sorry" I said looking up at him "you want to go see a movie?" He asked as I nodded "yeah let me get ready" I said closing the door fast.

"Aight" he said from outside the door as I smiled. I got in the shower taking a nice warm shower then got out brushing my teeth. Once I was finished I started curling my hair and got dressed.

I grabbed my phone spraying perfume on me and purse opening the door going downstairs

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I grabbed my phone spraying perfume on me and purse opening the door going downstairs.

Erik was dressed sitting on the couch on his phone then I spoke "little ugly you ready?" I asked as he smacked his lips about to say something until he looked at me.

I smiled "can we go now?" I asked him as he stood up "uh yeah" he said fixing himself.

"What movie?" I asked " it's up to you" he said as I started thinking and we walked out the house.

"I want to see that muppets movie" I said proudly as we got in the car then Erik looked at me "Brianna what the f-no something else" he said as I laughed "it's not an original muppets movie it's funny" I explained.

"Please?!" I asked looking at him "Aight it better be funny" he said backing out the driveway as I just looked at him.

His outfit was nice "I haven't seen you dress like that in a while" he stated as I looked at my outfit "yeah I know" I said smiling as my phone rung and I answered it.

"What's up kay?" I asked "you trying to come to the movies with me and M'Baku?" She questioned "Erik and I are already going" I said

"Ooooo it's a date?" Kaylah asked "no we just wanted to go to the movies" I said laughing. "Mhm we seeing the happytime murderers movie" she said "same we'll see y'all there" I said "double date!" She squealed "um no bye kay" I said hanging up.

Erik and I talked the whole ride to the theater. I grabbed my purse about to open my door but Erik already opened it for me.

"Thanks" I said smiling some as he nodded. We got our tickets at the box office then got in the concessions line seeing Kaylah and M'Baku.

"Bitchhhh" Kaylah whispered grabbing my arm "what?" I asked "what you two really up to?" Kaylah asked as I shook my head "nothing I'm staying with him until I have the baby then I'm thinking about moving back to New York or Atlanta" I explained.

"Oooo I cant wait for the aunties little baby" Kaylah said rubbing my belly as I moved her hands. "Did you tell M'Baku?" I asked lowly as she shook her head.

"No" she said trying to touch my stomach again but I hit her. "Don't do that in public only me you and Erik knows" I said.

"When are you going to tell T'Challa?" She asked as I shook my head "I don't know I don't want to tell him only because he thinks me and Erik fucked so I'm not going to tell him" I explained.

We got our popcorn and drinks and I sat next to Erik as Kaylah was on the other side of me and M'Baku sat on the other side of her.

"I want them shoes" I said to Erik as he chuckled "I'm so serious I want a pair" I stated "I'll take you to the store to get you a pair tomorrow" he said as I smiled and threw a piece of popcorn at him.

"You don't want to start this because you know I'll finish it." He stated as I smiled and threw another piece at him.

"AIght" he said as I smiled. He then got up and left as me and Kaylah was talking waiting for the movie to start.

I turned seeing Erik come back with a small cup "his big headed ass got a water cup" I said as Kaylah and I laughed he did look like a snack

I turned seeing Erik come back with a small cup "his big headed ass got a water cup" I said as Kaylah and I laughed he did look like a snack

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Erik sat next to me as I turned and he placed an ice cube in the cleavage of my boobs as I started moving around squealing getting it out.

"You play too much!" I whispered hitting his arm as he laughed then the movie started.

Once the movie was over we came out the theater. "That shit was stupid" Erik said laughing as I laughed.

My stomach started growling as I held it "let's go get something to eat" Erik said as we did just that. We went to an Applebee's sitting down at a booth and looked at the menu.

"I want everything" I said placing the menu down cheesing as he chuckled "no pick something you want" Erik said "I want a burger" I said looking at the different burgers on the menu.

"I'm going to get a salad but let me get some of your fries" he said as I shook my head "nope I'm eating for two" I said rubbing my belly as he laughed.

"What are you going to name the baby?" Erik asked "I'm not sure" I said thinking "what you want it to be?" He asked as I smiled "a girl" I said as he smiled. We ate then went back home.

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