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Brianna and I were laying in the bed talking about random things. "You really do not want to have a baby shower?" I asked as she shook her head. "I'm over it I just want to have them already." She honestly said as I chuckled.

"What about Nyasia?" I asked her as she sat up "for the babies?" She asked as I nodded "yes and Nyla" I stated as she smiled. "Baby that's cute" she said hugging me and kissing all over my face.

"Who helped you come up with that?" She asked suspect some as I chuckled. "Why someone had to help me?" I asked laughing as she gave me a look giggling.

"Who helped you?" She asked trying to pinch my nipples as I chuckled "alright" I said as she stopped and waited for me to talk.

"I came up with Nyasia and Erik came up with Nyla" I said as she gave me a look. "You let him name one of the babies?" She asked as I nodded. "Yes why?" I asked "no just asking she said as I can tell something was on her mind.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she shook her head smiling "nothing I'm just ready to give birth so I can have my body back" she stated smiling.

"Mhm are you ready to talk to him about being the God father?" I asked as she nodded "but first I got to talk to him about something" she stated as it got quiet and we were watching TV.

"Let me ask you something" she started off and sat up off of me. "What's wrong?" I asked "We know I'm pregnant with two babies but what if one was yours and the other's was Erik's?" She asked.

"Why did you ask that?" I asked sitting up "because you know when everything was happening I slept with you and him and now I'm kind of worried" she explained as I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I don't know I wouldn't Know what to do wether to call it a quit or I honestly don't know" I said as she nodded and continued watching the TV.

I could not even get the thought of brianna making love to someone else or even having a kid by that person even though Nakia was pregnant with mine and I'm just getting back what I did to Brianna.

She got out the bed putting on some boots and a jacket. "Where are you going It is almost midnight?" I asked as she grabbed the keys to her car. "I'm going to see if Kaylah wants to take me to McDonald's" she said smiling.

"Be safe" I stated as she nodded and walked out.


"I can't even be mad at T'Challa for saying what he's saying because even though he slept around I guess I shouldn't have either but I also kind of wanted to give Erik a baby" I said waiting for Kaylah's crazy ass reaction to what I just said.

"Wait, Wait, Wait bitch you wanted to do what?!" She asked as I gave a sly smile "I know I know but I felt bad he has no kids, and I ain't mean for the situation to end up like this but hopefully it doesn't" I said

"T'Challa has a right to feel how he feel but then again he did the same shut in a way and you I don't know what you're going to do if those are his kids" Kaylah said as I whined.

"I know it wasn't intentionally if I do have his kids but I did one day if me and T'Challa wasn't together I would've gave Erik a kid but at the rate we going I don't know" I said getting my cookies

"Bitch What you mean?" Kaylah asked
"I don't know meaning it could go either way with who's kids it is" I admitted.

"have you talked to Erik about it at Least?" She questioned as I shook my head "I've been trying to keep distance since everything went down." I said.

"Sooooo y'all never heard of birth control condoms?" Kaylah asked as I sighed "we were caught up in the moment and.." I bit my lip shrugging my shoulders.

"DNA tes- Wait bitch you still got feelings?!" She asked as I rolled my eyes "of course not its hard to explain" I stated "girl you need therapy badly" she stated.

"I love T'Challa and I don't have feelings for Erik I think it's just the hormones right now" I said "mhm so hormones got you thinking about Erik?" She asked as I went quiet.

"I kind of want a threesome" I stated as she looked at me and laughed "oh bitch take us back home" she said laughing.

"I'm so serious, I should've never fucking slept with him because he warned me this shit would happen" I let out in frustration.

"You should've did what I did" she said as I looked at her. "What?" I asked "you should've did no nut November with me but noooooo you were going through shit with T'Challa and now look at you craving for another mans dick" she joked but I felt bad.

"Too be honest I know I'm a woman but why do I have to aspire to marriage but men are not taught the same if they cheat we're supposed to forgive them but if we do it, it's the end of the world." I explained.

"That's true but Brianna Erik is your ex and T'Challa is your husband and the fucked up shit about all of this is they cousins!" Kaylah stated as we both laughed.

"But Yeah I cant even help you with this" Kaylah said as I sighed "I'll talk to Erik when we get inside" I stated "about a threesome?!" She asked as I laughed "yeah about a threesome" I said sarcastically as she hit me on my arm.

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