was it a dream?

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Tords p.o.v

Me and tom got into another fight because I took his stupid achohal and he took my henti, so I beat the living carp out of him.I wish we were different,I wish he knew my feelings... I'm in my room now just lying on my bed when everything starts to go black..."-ord..." I heard someone say my name "tord..." There it is again "TORD!!!" I shot up from my bed to see tom on top of me but he looked different, more different than before he had his hair more back that before ,he had a box on his face, he was wearing a black vest and blue shirt on the sides were black and white toxic signs,and most importantly he was more cuter. "Hello love" 'LOVE???' I thought to my self,why did tom say that? "hello darling" I didn't say that but the person I was seeing said that. "What's on our segual For today" the person got up and push tom off him I growled seeing that while the person was waking to the dresser in there room "well today you have a meeting with green leader and purple leader then after that you have to go to the shooting rang to see how your soldiers are, and finally you have dinner with me and tori" tom said walking with the person "very well, but I prefer having dinner with you now~" I starded gagging at that point "no, we have work to do" the person got changed then said "very well it was worth a try" we starded to walk to the door but then the person stopped and said "I love you tom" planting a kiss on toms forehead "I love you two" my heart felt like it would shatter until he said "...tord"

"AAAAAAAA!" I woke up back at home. I look around and saw my clock "1:53 am?" I got out of bed and ran to toms room

Tom's p.o.v
Tord barged in my room when I was playing on Susan,I couldn't sleep because I had a weird dream about me and tord but he looked much older and his arm was replaced with a robotic one and is face was half gone he looked more handsome than now but when he said "I love you tom" and I said the same thing back to him I woke up but anyways back on track "what do you want commi?" Tord walk closer to me and said "Thomas I have something I need to tell you something but I don't know how to say it." He moves closer to me our faces a centimeter apart, i feel my face start to blush when our foreheads tuch. "Tord... I lo-" I was cut of by him kissing me,shortly after I kissed back, he pulls back and says "I love you tom" I chuckle and say "I love you two tord"
"And that's how me and your father got together" I see tori writing down everything I just said,I get up to walk over to tord and say "I love youuuuuu" I picks me up and sets me on the couch and says "I love you too"

I have fun writing this one , I'm also changing the name of this book to tomtord and eddmatt. The first eddmatt story will be posted tomorrow because I was writing the story I have a really good idea then my big sister smacked me right upside the head now 1 I have a really bad headache and 2 I forgot the idea so yeah there first eddmatt one shot will be out tomorrow
Edit- one comment =one smack agents my big sisters hear AND ill film it

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