I will be there part 1

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I was in my office talking to Paul and pat. Its mine and toms 4th year together but I wasn't there to celebrate it with him, its been two years seance I have seen tom I didnt feel like talking to them so I told them to leave they did as I said and left I got out of my seat and went to my balcony "In the light that falls at moonrise In the rhythm of the rain In the miracle of ordinary days In the hush of night I will be in the whispers of lover Everywhere, you will find me there In the rustle of a curtain In the bustle of the world"

I starded to dance around

"In a thousand little unexpected ways"

I went closer to the league of the balcony

"When you lift your gaze I will be like the shimmer of one small star Out there, shining everywhere I will be there beside you through the lonely nights that fall So close your eyes, remember my embrace I will be there like mercy, I will find you through it all This do I swear, I will be there" I dicided I will write tom a letter
(Time skip made by me)
I finished the letter and sent it out with a bird to him I hope he gets it I start to go towards the woods
Toms p.o.v

I was just sitting at the end of the dock when a bird came over with a letter I put the letter down knowing its tord I opens my mouth and said "In a language never spoken Live the promises we've made In the endless love that owned me heart and soul In the certainty I will always be true and as near As my next prayer, you will find me there"

I got up and starded to dance

"In the echo of the ocean In the hunting of the wind In mysterious extraordinary ways Through the darkest sky I will be like the shimmer of one small star Out there, shining everywhere"

I stood up from the dock

"I will be there beside you through the lonely nights that fall So close your eyes, remember my embrace I will be there like freedom; I will find you through it all This do I swear, I will be there" I opens the note and read it I starded running towards the woods
"In the harbor quarter"
Tords p.o.v
" In the stone and mortar" I stop and point to our star
"In the star that we both share" I could hear tom say the same thing I start to run
Toms p.o.v
"In the sound of laughter"
Tords p.o.v
"Now and ever after"
Toms p.o.v
I run faster hearing tord
"Look for me, I will be there" I point to our star
We ran up to each other so fast tord picked up tom and threw him in the air over and over again"I will be there beside you through the lonely nights that fall So close your eyes Remember my embrace I will be there Remember my embrace We'll be there like justice; I will find you through it all" tord finally stoped throwing tom "This do I swear, I will be there" tom said with tears and a big smile  "This do I swear, I will be there" tord said with a smile and tears as well "This do I swear, I will be there" the couple said together
Edd p.o.v
I went looking for tom hoping he didnt drown himself I almost starded crying when I saw a note on the deck but when I opens it it said

My dearest Thomas ,
I can not live without you so I'm running away from the army we can be together now, we buy a house,adopt a child we can run away from this disapproving world let us be together forever I'll meet you in the woods hurry though I dont want edd or Matt to see you and as always in our letters
This do I swear, I will be there

Love forever yours
Tord 💘

I starded to cry when Matt came out of the house and ask were tom is "h..he left us for tord" Matt pulled me into a hug and we walked into the house....

The end ???

So I was inspired by this musical I listen two and it just reminded me of tom and tord until the next chapter

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