remember me

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Tord p.o.v
It's been two years seance tom left us to be a famous rock star I have changed a lot seance then my once perfect caramel hair was fadding away, my grey bullet eyes got a bit lighter I was tierd most of the time I rarealy leave the house unless edd and matt ask If I can, but the thing the changed the most was now I'm a mom. when Tom left he didn't know he had a child waiting for him when he comes back. he said he'll be back in two weeks but it's been 4 years, I woke up in the middle of the night from tori crying I walk into her room and took tori out her crib. Tori's hair was a little messy but still had her hair horns sticking out the front of her head mix with a back pony tail that sticks up of the back of her chocolate brown hair too, she opend her sad eyes one bullet silver and one ink black.She looked at me ...heh... she looked so much like her dad... I held her in my arms and said " Remember me Though I have to say goodbye Remember me Don't let it make you cry For ever if I'm far away I hold you in my heart I sing a secret song to you Each night we are apart" i sit down with tori, I saw Tom's old wooden guitar that was next to the red rocking chair i was sitting in ,the moon shined out of the window of her room onto us I grabbed the guitar (can someone please draw that 😁) and played "Remember me Though I have to travel far Remember me Each time you hear a sad guitar Know that I’m with you The only way that I can be Until you’re in my arms again Remember me" she fell asleep in my arms so I put her in her crib and put the guitar back but i was still singing "Remember me For I will soon be gone" I looked into the living room were I see my loving husband standing in the living room his chocolate brown hair standing up while his loving peach skin was almost faded away but his eyes were always the same just like tori but he had both his eyes jet black he looked at me with a sad exppresion and said "Remember me And let the love we have live on And know that I'm with you the only way that I can be So, until you're in my arms again" I ran up to him, gave him a big hug and stared to cry
"Remember me"

So I'm canceling my hiatus for now because I LOVE YOU GUYS TO MUCH DO DO THAT but sorry if this story is really detailed like REALLY detailed I made this one for my awesome teacher because we were talking about s.t.e.a.l bu anyways me and my family were watching coco when the idea popped into my head but anyways I'll put the hiatus away along with LITTERALY EVERYHING IN MY LIFE  but until the next chapter PEACE OUT YO I LOVE U GUYS

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