the 'gift'

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Tords p.o.v
I was just sitting in my office doing paper work when I hear someone knock on my door "red leader its me tom, I have a gift for you" I rolled my 'eye' and said "come in this "gift" of yours better not be a bomb or something" I heard the door open "don't worry its not a bomb its aculy something you might like" he said with happiness "is it those files I ask you for" "no" I let out a huff and said "then I don't care" it was silent for awhile then I said "tom?" I look up to see tom in a maid outfit my face turn bright red when he giggled "see I said you whould like it" I looked up to him and said "w..what do you mean?" He points to his nose then I feel the bottom of my nose 'blood uh oh' he throws all my papers on the floor, grabs my shirt and pulled me into a kiss I kiss back tom pushes me into my chair and starts licking up and down my neck trying to find my sweet spot when he found my sweet spot I let out a small moan he starded sucking on that spot trying to make me moan more but I didn't budge until he put his hand up my shirt and takes it off making me gasp he took that time to go back to kissing me putting he's tounge into my mouth making fall into my chair. Tom starts to undo my paints with his teeth then he quickly got up and took of his clothes off leaving only his boxers left I starded to get mad when he would put his mouth by my cock and then going away "q..quit te aa~sing" I felt his mouth on my meber going up and down"mh~ Fuck tom faster" he starded bobbing his head when I finally come in his mouth he drinks it all "yummy daddy can I have some in me~" as soon as he says that I flip him over onto my desk and line up me cock by his hole shoving it into him as fast as possible "ekk" I heard him say I waited for him to adjust to my size he gave me the single to go so I went slow until he starded complaining "tord~ faster~" and as he says that I went really fast until I hit his sweet spot in him he screamed "O MY GOD TORD HIS THAT SPOT OVER AND OVER AGAIN AAAAAAH~" we both came at the same time me in him and him all over the papers on the floor we sat there for a few seconds when I pick tom up and brought him in my room to cuddle with "I love you daddy" I heard tom say "I love you two tom".

Edd p.o.v
I was looking for tom and red leader when I hear some weird noises coming from, his office it sounded like moaning from...tom?... I look into his office to see tom on top of tord then I bleached my eyes
Wow that sucked honestly I aculy dont feel that bad of writing smut in this book now so if you want more just say so I know this could of been better I'll fix it later but hey my friend that I haven't seen in a looonnnnnggggg time I can see tom-orrow hahahahhahahhaha somebody stop me but until the next chapter PEACE OUT MY GOOD FRIENDS


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