holy sh**

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Guys I was just reading some stories then I remembered "oh yeah I made I book" I forgot to tell you guys I have a little memory problem ill explain it in my 40 days of writing book later but when I was going to check on it I saw this

Guys I was just reading some stories then I remembered "oh yeah I made I book" I forgot to tell you guys I have a little memory problem ill explain it in my 40 days of writing book later but when I was going to check on it I saw this

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Holy shot u guys thank you a lot ill have to ask for some more request and mabye just maybe if my crush messages me back ILL PUT SMUT so let to the gods ... WHO AM I KIDDING ILL WRITE SOME SMUT IF I CAN GET TO 450 VEIWS or just do it anyways but SOMEONE GIVE ME IDEAS PLEASE I have an idea for the smut but not a regular one shot so if anyone has a idea PLEASE TELL ME THANK YOU

P.s thank you so much

P.p.s y'all still read this?

P.p.p.s ima go now bye


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