never do it

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"Mwahahahahaha" edd said walking towards tom and tord with duck tape "e..edd we promise we won't do it again" edd looked at tord and grabbed his shirt pulling him from tom and into a different room "TORDY NOOOO" tord looked at Tom with sad eyes "I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUUUUUUU" edd starded laughing again at our stupidity "if your taking tord then...IM TAKING MATT" edd quickly dropped tord and grabbed matt "NOT A CHANCE" then he ran off with matt tom ran up to tord and ran off with him out of the house onto the old hill "lets never do THAT again" tord looked at tom while tom was looking at a small edd angry and looking for them "agreed" then they had sex on the hill

(What happened)
Edd,tom,tord,and Matt were all sitting on the couch tom in tords arm making out and edd in Matt's arms cuddling but then tom moved his foot and ended up kicking Edds cola over tom looked up at edd while tord was biting his earlobe begging for attention "its fine ill get another one" edd gets off of Matt to grab another cola but when he opened the fridge

There was no cola

(Present time rn)
Edd is now back on the couch cuddling up to Matt with his cola while in the background tom and tord are tied up with sunshine lollipops on repeat and tom watching his most prize possessions be burned in his face , edd dicided that was enough being mean for one day "never spill my cola got it boys?" Tom and tord nodded as edd took of the ropes tord scooped up tom and brought him to his room were they made out more while on the other hand edd and Matt are getting it on, o. The couch

Couch p.o.v

Poor couch he sees all and knows all XD but un̵ţ̡i̸̡l ̡͞t͢h̨̕e͡͏ ́n̸͡ext͏ bóo͘k̸ peace out


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