kindergarten boyfriend (Matt x edd)

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Warning sad and suicide

Matt p.o.v

Tom has gotten so popular lately I never have anyone to hang out with,after edd left us my world got a lot darker I was walking by the bridge reminding myself of the mistakes I made in life

"There was a boy I met in kindergarten

He was sweet, he said that I was smart

He was good at sports and people liked him

And at nap time once we shared a mat

I didn't sleep I sat and watched him breathing

Watched him dream for nearly half an hour

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Then he woke up"

I sat down on the edge of the bridge

"He pulled a scab off one time playing kick ball

Kissed me quick then pressed it in my hand

I took that scab and put it in a locket

All year long I wore it near my heart

He didn't care if I was thin or pretty

And he was mine until we hit first grade

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Then he woke up"

I stood on the railing dancing around

"Last night I dreamed a horse with wings

Flew down into my homeroom

On its back there he sat

And he held out his arms

So we sailed above the gym

Across the faculty parking lot

My kindergarten boyfriend and I

And a horse with wings

Now we're all grown up and we know better

Now we recognize the way things are

Certain boys are just for kindergarten

Certain girls are meant to be alone"

I got of the edge and walked away

"But I believe that any dream worth having

Is a dream that should not have to end"

I stopped

"So I'll build a dream that I can live in"

I turn to face the bridge

"And this time I'm never waking up"

I run up to the railing and jump off and everything slowes down

"And we'll soar above the trees

Over cars and croquet lawns

Past the church and the lake

And the tri-county mall

We will fly through the dawn

To a new kindergarten

Where nap time is centuries long"

Everything gose back to the same speed as I fell into the water letting it overflow me

"Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Ooh ooh..."

And just like that...

We were reunited once again...

Yeah so while writing this chapter

I was playing doki doki lituritur club and yandere sim so this chapter is based off of doki doki kinda and the next chapter will be YANDERE TORD... MWAHAHAHAHAHA PEACE OUT

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