adoption (tomtord)

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Tom p.o.v

Tord and matt were taking me and edd somewhere the onl hint we got was

"Someone looking for a place to call home"

Me and edd were still trying to figure it out in the car

"Are we house looking?"

"No edd"

"Are we getting a pet?"

"No Tommy"

The car stopped as they help us out the car they put a blind fold on us so we can't see but i heard children around the place

Once we reached the main room tord unblind folded me revealing

"WERE ADOPTING?!?!" ME AND edd said at the same time

"Yes now come on let's go get a child"

(15 minuets later)

We were still looking for a kid but when in turns around I saw a little girl in a room by her self I went up to her and asked

"Hey there my name Is tom what's your name?"

She was Silent until tord came in

"Tom did you find a kid ye- hey tammy"
She quickly ran to tord and hugged him


I got confused

"Why did she call you dad?"

"Welllll I mayyy or may not have already got a kid"

"Well she's beautiful, hey tammy do you want to go home with me and dada?"

She nodded her head

"Alright let's go...."

(6 years later)

"HEY TAMMY COME HERE" I yell from down stairs

"Yeah mom?"

"Medd is here for you~"

Medd was adopted by edd and matt as well because we didn't want to keep them apart

"Bye mom tell dad in said bye to ok"

She leaves with medd and I go to the basement

"Honey tammy left you know what that means~"
TORD walked up to me grabbing my hips and leans in for a kiss


This message is very hard for me to write trying to not think of he bad things that happend So I made this chapter because 7 years ago today when I was 7 I was adopted by the people I call my parents even though i hate them fron time to time they took me, my big sister, and little brother in, It was hard for them to deal with us because we were all 2 years apart I never knew what happened to my mom but i know my dad is still alive some were in America if my foster mom finds this book I just want her to know she's the best mom I ever had she made me and my siblings feel like were at home but until the next chapter peace...

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