....fuck (part 2)

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Tom p.o.v
I knew it was a bad idea to tell him I mean look at his face he looks disgusted ...
Tord p.o.v
*tord exe has stopped working*
Edd p.o.v
Ima kick his ass if he dosnt say anything soon
Tom p.o.v
"Well...I...um....I'm sorry I knew this wasn't going to work out so I told my mom what happend and she understands that I wanna move some were else I know you whould want me to-WHOAH" I got cut off by tord throwing me in the air "IM GOING TO BE A FATHER IM SO EXCITED" I got confused "wait so you do love me?" He put me down and told me "of course I still love you your my one and only" tears started to prick from my eyes "t..Thank you for not leaving me behind" he pulled me into a hug "i love you no matter what remember that ok?" I smiled "o..ok"
{3 minutes later}
Edd is now scolding tord for not using protection and how this will affect my whole life and what his going to tell his parents but the thing was when he mention parents his face turnd from annoyed to scaird I was curious at first then I remember what happend between all three of them they wanted him to join he army and he did but he left halfway through the year in the night to go to a real school and on his way there he met me, when I remember what happend I started telling edd to stop but he didn't he kept on talking about his parents until I broke "EDD STOP NOW!" he quickly shut up as I walked over to tord and hugged him while giving a glare to edd then he realized "o...Oh i..I'm sorry tord i didn't ...I'm sorry" he smiled then chuckled. .. then started laughing "wow i just had an argument with edd

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