No Excuses Anymore

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9:12 Tord: Hey tom

10:15 Tord: so what are you doing

12:23 Tord: Tom?

1:06 Tord: why u no message me :(

3:54 Tord: Tom? Hellloooo?

5:37 Tord: Are you even up yet

10:42 Tord: goodnight then

Goodnight :Tom 10:43

~next day~

Everyday was the same on Tords list
Wake up
Text tom
Get dressed
Eat a little bit of food
Text tom
Go outside
Feed animals
Cheak if tom ever messaged back
Get yelled at by mom
Get told that hes fat by his dad and he needs to loose weight
Gets teased by brother
Told to kill himself on social media
Go to school
Get made fun of
Sees if Tom even looked at the message
Go's to lunch
Makes excuse that he had a big breakfast
Go's into the court yard
Walkes around
Go's inside
Go's to class
Gets on bus
Gets things thrown at him
Gets off bus
Gets yelled at through the window of the bus that hes gay and is going to hell
Go's into house
Text tom
Go to sleep
Same everyday but today was different

~Tords p.o.v~

I got up today not even bothering to message Tom I got dressed went to go feed my animals and as soon as I was getting yelled at by my mom, I took the rifle and shot a warning shot into the sky "Don't talk to me like that you old hag you understand or this bullet right here" as I but a bullet into the rifle "is going into your head got it" when I came inside my dad started to yell at me "DON'T YOU DARE THRETEN YOUR MOTHER! YOU FAT PEACE OF SHIT YOU WERE A MISTAKE AND YOU KNOW IT" I just looked down the entire time "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING DAME YOUR USELESS" "SHUT THE HELL UP BITCH" I yelled at him "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW MY LIFE IS I ALWAYS HAVE TO HOLD A SMILE TO KEEP YOU FROM SENDING TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL" I grabed my bag and ran outside "WAIT TORD" I heard my mother yell I ran until I wasnt in my neighboor hood anymore. I walked along the bridge that was apon the river,I put in my headphones and listen to some music (the song above uwu)
I finally walk through the park as I see couples and kids playing with there families I try to avoid it but its hard too my head was spinning around not understanding what's going on

I run to the top of a hill and watch above the place I use to call home I see my mom and dad looking around for me "tch" they pretend that they care but they don't none of them do *ring* "huh" *ring* I reach for my phone and look who's calling me, its tom



"Tell them to go to hell"

I hung up the phone and walked into the woods and just stayed there all night

~To Be Continued~

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