everyday a little death part 2

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Note this is 5 years in the future tord was found and arrested for his crimes tom is now waiting for his lover for thus nobody knows who told but edd did, edd aways had wander tom but tord always got in his way so edd dicided to tell the cops were he is and he took his friend as hostage they arrested him and edd waited for tom to get over him but he grew impatient and told him some 'news' about tord

TORD p.o.v
It's been another year withou Tom i can't live without him in my life I need him "Another day, another week
Another month, another year
Another day, another night
Until it's day again

The sun is fled, I go to bed
And scratch a line on the wall
Another day, where nothing changes at all

And everyday shuffles by like the day before
On its way to the blackest of skies
And everyday a little death comes and paces the floor
And a little bit more of me dies

Another day, another week
Another month, another year
Another night I spend alone
Until it's day again

Our little star has moved away
And all the world is a bleb
I only see I am not me
Without him

Everyday a little death for everyday I die
Everyday a little death and still I know not why"

Edds p.o.v
I was chasing after tom because tord was leaving the prison soon trying to convince him to move on "He will come back" he said "perhaps but still" I said "he will return to me,another prayer " he starded to spin around "you've got to live for today" tom turns around and said "I will live when we're together again
Everyday I will pray until then, Amen

And everyday another prayer will bring him close to me
And every night out little star we will share
The one day when I open my eyes
He will be standing right over there, One day" as soon as he said that I thought of an idea I could hear tord in my mine "another day" I walk up to tom and say " there's something I must say There's something I must say
I wanted to protected you"

Another year

I wish there was a way
I could make it untrue

Another day

I heard the news today
I feel the worst has happened

Another year

An accident occurred
And tord is dead

Tom fell to the floor and starded to cry

Another year

Dead and gone
Rest in peace may flights of angels sing him to his rest
Let me hold and help to heal you

Everyday a little death

Everyday a little death

Everyday a little death

Everyday a little death

Everyday a little death

Everyday a little

All p.o.v:
Everyday a little death

I brought tom inside but then Matt saw me and smiled

The end



... I'm in my class writing this XD BUT anyways ill start writing the next chapter PEACE ✌


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